AI Identifies Need for Hormone Therapy in Prostate Cancer Patients

by time news

AI technology is revolutionizing the field of cancer treatment by identifying whether men with prostate cancer would benefit from hormone therapy. Hormone therapy is commonly prescribed to men with prostate cancer that has an intermediate risk of spreading when they are undergoing radiotherapy. However, recent advancements in AI allow doctors to analyze biological patterns in cancer cells from individual men’s biopsies and determine whether hormone therapy would be effective in their case.

This breakthrough in AI technology has the potential to spare thousands of men from unnecessary treatment and the associated side effects. Hormone therapy, which aims to starve tumors of the male sex hormones that fuel them, can cause side effects such as fatigue, hot flushes, reduced muscle strength, weight gain, and changes in sexual function.

It is now understood that hormone therapy only benefits some men, and the AI suggests that 60 percent of those currently prescribed this treatment should not receive it. This not only saves men from enduring the side effects but also reduces the financial burden on healthcare systems like the NHS. Prostate cancer patients commonly struggle with the physical and emotional toll of hormone therapy, even with coping mechanisms and support.

The AI tool, developed by ArteraAI, a US-based company, and supported by Prostate Cancer UK, is a game-changer in determining the necessity of hormone therapy for localized prostate cancer. Dr. Matthew Hobbs, Director of Research at Prostate Cancer UK, highlights the potential impact of this tool, stating, “Implementing this tool across the NHS could significantly reduce the harm that prostate cancer causes.”

The results from multiple high-quality academic trials with long-term follow-up have been impressive and robust. Prostate Cancer UK hopes that individual NHS trusts and decision-makers will work with ArteraAI to remove any barriers and facilitate the swift implementation of this tool for men’s benefit.

Overall, AI’s ability to analyze biological patterns in cancer cells presents an opportunity to personalize treatment plans for prostate cancer patients, sparing them from unnecessary hormone therapy and its associated side effects. This could be a life-changing development in the field of cancer treatment and improve the quality of life for numerous individuals.

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