Alert for 8,295 cases of child sexual violence

by time news

2023-11-21 07:01:00

The Colombian YouTuber Diego Bautista, known as “Diego Zas”, invited Juan* to his house to play video games, but when they were left alone he abused him. In exchange for his silence, the influencer offered him money, a cell phone and more games. The dynamic continued for at least a year, until the physical signs on Juan’s body became more evident and he himself confessed that his “play friend” was abusing him. The family answered the call and after reporting they managed to get Diego Bautista sentenced to 16 years in prison for abusive carnal access that left a sexually transmitted disease in the 8-year-old boy. The “youtuber” was given almost the maximum penalty contemplated in the Colombian Penal Code, which sets sentences of between 12 and 20 years in prison for anyone who commits this type of crime in children under 14 years of age.

That has been one of the most exemplary sentences in recent months against sexual predators and is just one of the 8,295 cases of sexual violence against minors that were registered between January and August.

The panorama is so alarming that the Attorney General’s Office requested urgent actions because according to reports from the Crime Statistics of the National Police, 4,605 ​​boys and girls, and 3,690 adolescents throughout the national territory have been victims of sexual crimes in just 8 months. One of the entities called to respond is the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF), which so far has welcomed 11,130 minor victims of sexual violence into its protection system, 9,705 girls and 1,425 boys. Among the main cities where the largest number of cases are registered are Bogotá, Valle del Cauca, Atlántico, Cundinamarca and Antioquia.

And Colombia increasingly seems to be becoming a dangerous place for children. According to data collected by human rights agency Pandi every day, 57 children are examined for sexual abuse, which translates to 20,879 examinations a year. Between January and August of this year, the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences reported 12,899 legal medical examinations for sexual crimes in early childhood, childhood and adolescence.

Given the constant complaints of sexual violence in educational environments, the Attorney General’s Office placed special emphasis on these environments and in the recent report revealed that so far in 2023, 1,351 cases of school aggression with alleged crimes against freedom, integrity and training have been registered. sexual in official and unofficial schools in the country. The report also highlights that classmates are the main aggressors within educational institutions.

Pay attention to the signs

Catalina Vertel, manager of the IPS Growing with Cariño, explained that the warning signs can present physically such as abdominal pain, bleeding, genital injuries or in nearby areas. But there are also emotional signs that require attention such as abrupt behavioral changes, age-inappropriate language, fears, phobias or any behavior that goes against the child’s normal behavior.

Faced with these warning signs, the first thing the caregiver should do is believe the child. “Believe her story, listen to it carefully without interruptions or insistent questions. Never blame or get angry about the story or the physical evidence, but rather thank them for telling, reassure them and give them support. Never tell them that they are going to keep the secret, because the secret is always around the abuse. This is an issue that adults must bring to the table,” Vertel explained.

The next step will be to transfer the minor to a healthcare center immediately. Then the complaint will come to the ICBF, the Comprehensive Care Center for Victims of Sexual Abuse (Caivas) and the Prosecutor’s Office. Likewise, Vertel calls for repairing sexual violence because “if it is not repaired, it will not stop the generation of trauma and damage. We are recognizing how today’s adults had a childhood as a result of violence that brings very high costs to society. The most important thing is the repair of mental health.”

*The name was changed to protect the minor.

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