Alessandro Gassman and the ‘fuck off’ to those who evade taxes

by time news

2024-01-04 21:58:08

A resounding ‘fuck you’ to those who evade taxes. Alessandro Gassmann lets off steam on X with a post on the topic of taxes and tax evasion. “When you have been paying all your taxes for 40 years with meticulousness and determination, because you want to contribute to the good functioning of the state, and you read about 83 and a half billion in tax evasion, and you know that those who don’t pay will never pay and that you will pay for schools, hospitals and all of you… a multitude of freeloaders, thieves, cowards and often very rich”, observes the actor before closing in a ‘spontaneous’ way: To you, who don’t pay taxes, my most sincere and heartfelt fuck you”. The reflection comes widely shared: thousands of likes and an avalanche of comments sharing the intolerance of the taxpayer Gassmann.

#Alessandro #Gassman #fuck #evade #taxes

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