Alexandre de Moraes calls on Mauro Cid to give new testimony after audios in which he criticizes the PF and the minister | Policy

by time news

The minister Alexandre de Moraesof the Federal Supreme Court (STF), summoned Lieutenant Colonel Mauro Cidformer adjutant of Jair Bolsonaro (PL), to give a new statement this Friday (22). The soldier will be heard after audios came to light in which he criticizes the work of the Federal Police (PF) and the magistrate himself.

According to the Valor found out, Moraes discusses with interlocutors from PF what the award-winning collaboration agreement signed with the military will look like after the episode. It cannot be ruled out that he will lose the benefits.

The recordings were revealed by “ Veja ” magazine. Mauro Cid’s defense confirmed the content of the conversations, but said it was an “outburst”.

The former aide-de-camp Bolsonaro decided to close the plea after being arrested, in May last year, as part of investigations into the falsification of covid-19 vaccine certificates. The lieutenant colonel’s statements helped the PF to advance on other fronts, especially regarding the alleged coup attempt plotted from inside the Palácio da Alvorada, after the president’s victory Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) in the elections.

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This Friday’s hearing will be carried out by the instructing judge from Moraes’ office, Airton Vieira, who will participate via videoconference. Mauro Cid and defense, as well as representatives of the Attorney General’s Office (PGR), must go to the Court in person.

According to “ Veja ”, the audios are from a conversation between the officer and a friend, lasting approximately one hour. For Mauro Cid, there was a “ready narrative” adopted by federal police officers. “You can say whatever you want. They didn’t accept it and argued. And they argued that my version wasn’t the truth, that it couldn’t have been like that, that I was lying”, says the lieutenant colonel in one of the excerpts.

At another point, the soldier directly attacks Moraes. “O Alexandre de Moraes it’s the law. He holds it, he lets it go, whenever he wants, however he wants. With Public Prosecutor’s Office, without Public Prosecutor’s Office, with accusation, without accusation.”

In a note, the defense of Mauro Cid stated that, at no time, did he call “the independence, functionality and honesty of the Federal policeyes Attorney General’s Office or the Supremo Tribunal Federal in conducting the investigations in which he is investigated and collaborates, in fact, his defenders do not subscribe to the content of his audios”.

“The aforementioned audios published by ‘ Veja ‘ magazine, which appear to be clandestine, are nothing more than a outburst in which he recounts the difficult moment and personal anguishfamily and professional life that he is going through, resulting from the investigation and the effects it produces on society, family and colleagues in uniform”, he said.

According to the defense, the audios “do not compromise the fairness, seriousness and correctness of the terms of their award-winning collaboration signed before the police authority, in the presence of their constituted defenders and duly approved by the Federal Supreme Court in the strictest terms of legality”.

Mauro Cid — Photo: Cristiano Mariz/Agência O Globo – 8/24/2023

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