Ali Bongo Ondimba convenes in Libreville the XXIIIrd (…) – Gabonews

by time news

2023-07-01 10:50:34

Ali Bongo Ondimba convenes in Libreville the XXIII Ordinary Session of the Conference of Heads of State and Government of ECCAS

July 1, 2023

Libreville – June 30, 2023-The XXIII Ordinary Session of the Conference of Heads of State and Government of ECCAS will hold its meeting in Libreville on July 1, 2023 at the invitation of the Gabonese Republic, which holds the Presidency in Office.

The objective of this Ordinary Session is to ensure the functioning of the Institutions of the Community, to control and monitor the implementation of the decisions approved by the Community Authorities.

As a reminder, the Conference meets in Ordinary Sessions twice a year. The objectives of the Ordinary Session will be to take stock of the status of implementation of the decisions of the 21st and 22nd Ordinary Sessions of the Conference of Heads of State and Government of ECCAS; to examine and validate the Rules of Procedure of the Organs and Institutions of the Community; to examine and validate the Protocols annexed to the Revised Treaty of ECCAS; to examine and validate the texts of application of the revised Financial Regulations of ECCAS (budgetary and accounting rules, general accounts, general plan of accounts of ECCAS; to review the political and security situation of the region in the first semester 2023.

As usual, this Ordinary Session will be preceded, among other things, by meetings of the Council of Ministers of ECCAS, the Committee of Permanent Representatives; the Specialized Technical Committee for Defence, Safety and Security, Justice and Legal Affairs, Budget and Finance.

The President of the Gabonese Republic during his Speech for the occasion, will ask his Peers to work during the Works, for a better integration of our Sub-region, to take stock of the functioning of the Community and to meet the challenges. relating thereto. He will reiterate his will to pursue the institutional reform.

He will also reaffirm the priorities of his term of office, within the framework of the Presidency in Office of Gabon within ECCAS. Finally, the ECCAS Summit will examine the issues and issues submitted to its attention.


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