All about contact lenses that promise to solve myopia while you sleep

by time news

2024-02-03 23:50:11

Updated Sunday, February 4, 2024 – 00:50

That we Spaniards see a little worse with each passing year is a fact. Yes in year 2017 myopia affected 28% of the populationin the year 2021 did it at 37% and the trend is to continue increasing. But I will tell you, as a consolation, that this is a global problem and that in countries like South Korea or China the data is even worse, affecting the myopia of the 80% of the population in certain age groups.

But today I am not going to talk to you about the causes, but about a solution which promises to make this refraction problem disappear while we sleep using contact lenses.

Is it real or science fiction?

It is real. The name given to this corrective treatment is corneal refractive therapy (CRT), and uses contact lenses called orthokeratology or ortho-k lenses to solve myopia while we rest. They are also popularly known as pajama contact lenses. Those, the results are not permanent.

How do they work?

The operation is simple, although it has a complex development behind it. Is about mold the shape of our cornea while we sleepto change its natural curvature, so that when we wake up it has the appropriate shape and we can see without the help of glasses or contact lenses throughout the day.

But isn’t this dangerous?

No, it’s not, in fact It is a correction therapy which has been used in our country for many years in a completely safe way.

The cornea is the outermost layer of the eye and is slightly moldable, and this characteristic is what these corrective lenses take advantage of. Of course, as the hours go by the cornea will recover its original shape and that is why every night we have to put the contact lenses back in before going to sleep.

So, they solve myopia only for a while?

All day long. Even if we do not sleep at home one night and do not put them on, it is possible that the cornea will continue to maintain its shape and we will continue to see well without help, although this depends on each case.

Instead of putting on contact lenses during the day to see properly, we put them to sleep and then not need correction during the day.

How are these contact lenses made?

They are manufactured tailored, which is why the price of this treatment is high. The optician carries out an individualized study of our cornea, and based on this study and our prescription, special contact lenses are prepared that are more rigid to the touch than the ones we are used to seeing. Of course, the care they need is similar to that we give to classic contact lenses.

Can anyone with myopia use them?

No, they do not offer good results in everyone, They are not recommended for people with more than six diopters. since a total correction will not be achieved.

They can be used from the age of six, and several scientific studies even claim that they are capable of slowing down the increase in myopia in the school population.

What price do they have?

The price is not suitable for all budgets, and although it varies depending on the clinic, the budget will be from 800 to 1,200 euros on average. In addition, contact lenses must be renewed every year.

Is it better to have myopia surgery or use these contact lenses?

They are totally different things. The ophthalmic surgery What solves myopia is irreversible, in a surgical act it is solved and there is no going back. However, refractive corneal therapy is temporary, if we stop using these special contact lenses we will once again have to use glasses or contact lenses to be able to see.

Is a good option for people who are afraid of surgeryand sometimes those who must pass an opposition exam where correct visual acuity is required without the help of glasses or contact lenses also resort to it.

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