All the details: What did the Rebbe ask Babov of the Hasidim at the urgent meeting

by time news

Last night (Saturday night), the Rebbe of Babov gathered thousands of his followers in New York for a “necessary meeting” at the great Hasidic seminary in the Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn, and announced a huge campaign to complete the construction of the Talmud Torah buildings and the Hasidic school.

The Rebbe’s ‘flame-chopper’ speech lasted about an hour, along with short speeches by rabbis and other activists. ‘In the Haredi Rooms’ brings the main points and selected quotes from the long conversation.

The Rebbe of Babov: We are in a state of pre-World War II

The Rebbe said at the beginning of his speech: “We are in a state of war. A real war. “Not similar, the two wars. But spiritually, the first war was also a danger. There was a state of destruction.”

Here the Rebbe declared: “Even today there is a war. But there is a difference. Then there was a war, with an army, people hid and fled – and knew there was a war. Today they do not know that there is a war. Some people say ‘Akshar Dera’. We are in a state of pre-war. “War for God in Amalek from generation to generation.”

The Rebbe clarified that the situation in the kollels and yeshivas is very good. The same is true in synagogues, in the matter of giving grace and in other matters, “But nevertheless, there is a state of war.

The Rebbe: Even my ancestors did not deal with such forces of impurity

“Until now when they talked about ‘science’, they talked to women. But to children, boys and boys? Never. In the last centuries it has not been. It is the generation today. Women have an excuse that God created them that way. But children, boys and boys, what? Can you say? “, The Rebbe shouted in pain.

“The hardest war since the creation of the world. Head hairs will be nailed. I’m talking to young guys. At the time of my ancestors ZI there were no such dark forces of impurity. That a guy can buy a smartphone for $ 20-30, that it’s hell and hell in itself, and the parents and family do not know. What can I say to a guy like that? This is a war that has never been like it before. I had to declare a queen attendant for that reason alone, “the Rebbe said.

Dealing with the war: a huge project that cost $ 200 million

After the Rebbe’s cry about the war he is waging for the spiritual salvation of the youth, he made it clear that in order to deal with the problem new educational institutions must be built, as the old institutions have no common sense and it is difficult to properly deal with future generations.

“Gentlemen,” the Rebbe said before moving on to the second phase of the speech, “I have declared a meeting for all these reasons together. We are dealing with the Bnei Zion and Banot Zion projects – Talmud Torah and a girls’ school.”

“This is a $ 200 million project. We have a group of students working for the ‘Bnei Zion’ project and a group of students working for the ‘Girls of Zion’ project.” According to the Rebbe, if the government or other officials were working on such a project – the cost would be $ 200 million, but the storks’ activists managed to reduce the cost of building the project by $ 75 million.

Target of each follower: $ 10,000

The Rebbe said that out of the $ 125 million needed to build the buildings – $ 90 million has already been donated and another $ 35 million is missing. According to him, the first 90 million came from sources outside Babov – “people who do not send their children to our institutions”, as defined by the Rebbe – and he asked that the remaining 25 million be donated by the followers, presenting the target – $ 10,000 from each follower.

Here the Rebbe mentioned a similar action of his late father. “This beit midrash was established by several Jews. In the winter of 1941, the late Avi convened a meeting, called on the followers and obliged them to donate $ 1,500. So that was a very respectable sum. “Someone told me then that he had taken out a loan to bring in that amount.”

“I thought about the issue,” the Rebbe noted, “I made an account of whether it was appropriate to do what my late father did. And I decided that it is not so much if there is a ‘desire’. Do it and talk about it with the audience. “

“I do not understand what is a bible that does not have ‘bread to eat’?”, The Rebbe asked and immediately replied, “Who like me knows? I earn many hundreds of thousands of dollars a year – I do not count, I do not remember – to help those who get married and in other ways as well. I do not believe there is anyone in this house who has spent so much money on ultra-Orthodox institutions in the amount I have donated. I do not have to introduce myself. I just want to explain that I understand the complexity of the matter. “

The construction of the great beit midrash of the Rebbe Moiznitz, and the telephone conversation of the nephew

The Rebbe told, by the way, about the construction of the great Beit Midrash of the Vizhnitz Chassidut in Kiryat Viznitz in Bnei Brak. Rabbi Benzion, the son of Rabbi Yaakov Yisrael’s brother-in-law To him Rabbi Elazar Ernster. A very important student, a follower of Viznitz. Additional money to build a beit midrash ‘. I gave him $ 500. “

“There are always Vizhnitz students who enter our beit midrash here. Some are because of relatives. They also came to me during Viznitz’s fundraiser. One, another and another and asked if I wanted to donate to Viznitz’s beit midrash. I really enjoyed it. “Because it proves that they feel close and that there is a close friendship,” said the Rebbe.

“Paradise also for Loiznitz, Belza and Satmar”

The Rebbe explained that he did not want to take on the names of the followers of Viznitz who entered him “because maybe there are people who did not like it. But I enjoyed it. I do not think heaven will be only for our storks. There will also be followers of Viznitz, Belza, Satmar, all species and types, and also those who are not followers. I am not limited in these matters. “

Seeing the smile of the thousands of students, the Rebbe added: “But I do not want our students to go now to knock on Rebbe and yeshiva heads in order to raise them. But anyone who has a ‘will’ can get $ 10,000.”

The matchmaking project for 150 adults in Hasidism

At the end of his speech, the Rebbe also mentioned the matchmaking project he announced during the editing of the Tish at Shoshan Purim 5771. The Rebbe then promised that anyone who succeeds in bringing a match to the Chassidim, over the age of 21, will receive a sum of $ 5,000 from him. Now the Rebbe said there are still 150 guys and girls who need to be taken care of. “As part of the venture I have already donated over $ 200,000. And I’m willing to spend more in the future than that. But I ask to make an effort, “the Rebbe said towards the end of the speech and a holy blessing to the audience of the elves.

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