Alonso triumphs in Thailand and Masià reinforces his leadership

by time news

2023-10-29 08:48:22

Few debutants can boast of having won four races in their World Cup debut. David Alonso started making noise at the beginning of the year with his first podium in Jerez, but he finished exploding in the second half of the season, after the summer break. Of the last nine races he has won four and without looking for it he has entered fully into the battle for the title, a war that a priori was not his.

Alonso’s goal back in March was to win the title of Rookie of the Year, which in the Moto3 category has a lot of pedigree because every year new gems land in the championship. He is the one who is shining the most in 2023 and with three races to spare he has already secured this award, although he can still dream big, since he has placed third overall in the tightest category in the world championship.

The victory in Thailand was decided in the last lap, but the twist in the championship occurred in the second lap, when the Sevillian David Muñoz had a technical problem with his motorcycle, the gear failed and he got stuck in the middle of the line. . He could not avoid Ayumu Sasaki, second in the classification, who attacked him and fell to the ground. And the one who was third until this Sunday, Dani Holgado, had to escape and sank to the bottom of the table. Everything was facing the leader Jaume Masià, who was riding in the noble zone of the group, oblivious to the problems of his rivals.

Holgado began a comeback that took him back to the front group, although he spent a lot of energy and rubber, and was not able to fight for victory, but he saved the furniture with a sixth. Everything was going to be decided in the final lap where Alonso was the best. “The whole race I was thinking about the last lap, understanding how the slipstream works to overtake,” and the move turned out well as the Colombian beat the Japanese Furusato and also the rookie Veijer.

The victim in that tight finish was Masià, who led at times and finished fourth, after failing in the last corner. However, the loot that the Valencian takes from Thailand is what is important and he already leads Sasaki by 17 points and Alonso and Holgado by 25, who share third position.

#Alonso #triumphs #Thailand #Masià #reinforces #leadership

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