«Amadeus is not capable. We look forward to Morgan’s successes»- Corriere TV

by time news

2023-07-03 20:57:22

“We will make a petition to have genius Morgan artistic director of the Sanremo Festival so we will finally be able to hear successful songs, not this bullshit that Amadeus has chosen!” and to Sgarbi, who said he will have to do something to remove Amadeus from the direction of the Festival: “Don’t worry, you don’t have to do anything, he’s finished”. Fiorello chooses irony to defend Amadeus in a video posted on Instagram by Fabrizio Biggio, an accomplice in the success of the show `Viva Rai2!´.
‘Do you remember us? Or have you already forgotten? He doesn’t have a mustache because he’s usually an idiot†Fiorello begins pointing to Biggio, who is sitting on the sofa beside him. «Speaking of idiots – he continues – I read a sentence that Amadeus posted. He was most likely angry with the honorable Sgarbi and with the genius Morgan who say that he would not be able to choose the songs of Sanremo. And you are right! He is not capable.’
On Instagram Amadeus had written “In silence, even an idiot can seem like an intelligent person. Unfortunately, idiots always want to talk» and someone had hypothesized that it was an indirect response to the criticisms leveled at them by Vittorio Sgarbi and Morgan during the evening at the MAXXI that ended up at the center of the controversy due to the sexist remarks and profanity of the art critic.

July 3, 2023 – Updated July 3, 2023, 7:01 PM

© Time.News

#Amadeus #capable #Morgans #successes #Corriere

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