Ambassador to Niger, detainees in Iran and the European Union… what Emmanuel Macron told diplomats

by time news

2023-08-28 14:24:49

In front of the French ambassadors gathered in Paris as every year, Emmanuel Macron developed the main lines of his international policy. Placed under the sign of the crisis in Niger, the Head of State especially sent a strong signal addressed to the French diplomats on the spot. He also asked for the release of four French people detained in Iran, he spoke about the enlargement of the European Union as well as the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, promising a “diplomatic initiative”.

The French ambassador still in post in Niamey

Beginning his speech on the situation in Niger, Emmanuel Macron declared that “France and diplomats have been confronted in recent months with situations in certain particularly difficult countries, whether in Sudan where France has been exemplary, in Niger right now and I salute your colleague and your colleagues who are listening from their posts. Although the soldiers who took power demanded the departure of the French ambassador, he is still in post in Niamey today on Monday. “I think our policy is the right one. It is based on the courage of President (Mohamed) Bazoum, on the commitment of our ambassador in the field who remains despite the pressures, despite all the declarations of illegitimate authorities”.

The soldiers who seized power in Niger on July 26 and held the overthrown President Mohammed Bazoum prisoner have taken France, the former colonial power, as their preferred target. And the French military presence is highly criticized in the region. Emmanuel Macron estimated that a “new form of terrorism” is developing in the Sahel and that an “epidemic of putsch” was spreading in the region. As a result, he intends to maintain the French military presence but, according to him, it must “be structured within the framework of partnerships requested by African states”. His line: “neither paternalism nor weakness. »

Request for the release of four French detainees

Regarding Iran, Emmanuel Macron asked for the release of four French people detained “in unacceptable conditions”. “Nothing justifies the detention” of “French nationals in prisons and in unacceptable conditions in Iran”, declared the head of state. The four French people detained by Tehran are Louis Arnaud, since September 2022, a French teacher, Cécile Kohler, and her companion Jacques Paris, arrested in May 2022 for “espionage”, and another whose identity has not been revealed.

“A process of enlargement of the European Union”

Emmanuel Macron also spoke about the European Union, while Ukraine asks to integrate it. The President explained that “we are engaged in an enlargement process”, referring to the Balkan countries, without however developing these remarks in a more precise way. By giving himself the objective of “building a Europe in peace over the long term”, Macron called for “more integration” of the “heart” of Europe, even “several speeds”.

Regarding the war in Ukraine, he once again confirmed France’s support for Ukraine: “Russia cannot and must not win this war”, he said.

“Diplomatic initiative” between Armenia and Azerbaijan

The president multiplied the announcements in his speech. He spoke about the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, promising a “diplomatic initiative” to try to lift the persistent blockage by Azerbaijani forces of the Lachin corridor, the only road linking Armenia to the enclave. of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Finally, he announced that the next Baghdad conference on Middle East security will take place “at the end of November” hoping that the states of the region will demand from Syria “increased cooperation” in the fight against terrorism.

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