AML/CFT: Morocco completes the compliance of its nationwide system with worldwide requirements (ANRF)

by times news cr

2024-05-22 19:16:54

The compliance of Morocco’s AML/CFT system with FATF requirements crowns the worldwide and fixed mobilization of all authorities departments and establishments involved by this essential nationwide venture in coordination with the Authority, signifies the ANRF in an announcement.

The ANRF introduced, on this event, that the Center East and North Africa Monetary Motion Process Power (FAFMAN) examined, throughout its thirty eighth Common Meeting (Could 19-23 in Manama, Bahrain ), the fifth monitoring report, with request for upward assessment of the technical compliance of the six remaining suggestions of the 40 suggestions of the FATF group.

The GAFIMOAN determined unanimously of its members to undertake the aforementioned report by revising upwards the degrees of technical compliance of all of the suggestions, based on the identical supply.

“Via this feat, the Kingdom of Morocco could have accomplished the compliance of its nationwide system to fight cash laundering and the financing of terrorism, with worldwide requirements, which constitutes the crowning achievement of the worldwide and fixed mobilization of all authorities departments and establishments involved by this essential nationwide venture in coordination with the ANRF”, underlines the press launch.

This can be a constructive step as a prelude and in preparation for the subsequent spherical of the mutual analysis course of to which the nationwide system will likely be subjected once more, just like the programs of the FATFMOAN member nations, continues the identical supply.

Throughout this assembly, the Common Meeting paid tribute to the Kingdom of Morocco, represented by ANRF, for its efforts and contributions to the success and strengthening of the actions of the Monetary Motion Process Power, notably after its profitable presidency of the GAFIMOAN for the yr 2022 in addition to the fee for assessing the dangers of cash laundering and terrorist financing from the group’s buildings.

2024-05-22 19:16:54

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