An agent was dropped into the mission of Western observers in Armenia – 2024-04-17 00:49:40

by times news cr

2024-04-17 00:49:40

The Telegram channel “Baku Burila” posted a publication that NATO sent a spy to Armenia for subversive anti-Russian activities.

Day.Az presents the publication:

The mission of Western observers, which was stationed in Armenia on the border with Azerbaijan, is beginning to have less and less to do with the guise under which it operates.

Let us remind you that the other day a certain Canadian specialist, Alexander Grushevsky, joined this “civilian” mission, which surprisingly turned out to be half staffed by intelligence officers, intelligence officers and “former military men”.

Grushevsky is known primarily for the fact that he has already spent several years in the South Caucasus – in the OSCE mission in Georgia. But what he did deserves special attention. Grushevsky participated in the economic rehabilitation project of the OSCE Mission to Georgia. The question is, what was this comrade doing there? And he was engaged, according to the official data of the organization, in “assessing the investment and business climate in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict,” and also “developing a program of technical assistance to the local private sector with the support of the international donor community.”

Sounds nice, doesn’t it? However, a reasonable question arises: WHAT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES COULD BE IN THE zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict? Which investors will come with their money to the contact line? What kind of assistance to the local private sector was Grushevsky developing with the support of certain foreign sponsors?

Naturally, all this tinsel was a cover for real work – collecting information about what was happening in that region. Naturally, the OSCE was interested in everything related to Russian troops, their movements, the number of personnel and equipment, etc. As soon as this was no longer necessary, Grushevsky “curtailed” his investment research.

And now this fruit appears on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. Will you also be involved in investments?

We have written more than once that the real task facing European observers on the conventional border between Armenia and Azerbaijan has nothing to do with either Armenia or Azerbaijan. These guys are there solely to monitor Russian activity in Armenia and partly to monitor the Iranian direction. The appearance of a “Canadian expert” on the mission is another alarming signal that someone in the West benefits from maintaining tension in the South Caucasus.

I wonder if there will be any reaction to this from Russia?

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