An exhibition honors the Donato Ribas for their contribution to Girona culture

by time news


An exhibition honors the Donato Ribas for their contribution to Girona culture.
Marc Martí

A group of multidisciplinary artistsamong which there are Torrent Pagès, Pep Camps, Quim Corominas, Pia Crozet or Jordi Amagat, pay homage with an exhibition to the Ribas Donato family for their contribution to Girona culture, especially to the performing arts. The exhibition, called Barkcan be seen until March 29 at the Chamber of Urban Property in Girona.

About twenty artists, like now Assumption Mateu, Ignasi Esteve, Nausica Masó or Manel Bayo, present creative works on it the fibrous tissue of the bark of the palm tree to pay tribute to the family of cultural activists and theater promoters, known especially for the La Planeta hall and the Proscenium group.

The exhibition, organized with the Association of Friends of the Girona Art Museum, also includes pieces by Carla Martín, M. Carme Tarrés, MA Feliu, Montserrat Costa, Provi Casals, Quim Serrano Bou, Quico Estivill, Oliveras Oliver, Dolors Bosch, Mar Vivó and Tània Espinosa.

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