Anand mahindra shares video of tool to pluck fruits

by time news

Anand Mahindra, Chairman of the Mahindra Group, has been as active on social media as he has been on his business venture.

Every day, on his Twitter page, Anand Mahindra has a habit of paying close attention to the many things that happen around him and sharing it.

Praise Anand Mahindra

Videos or photos of people with new talents can be found on Anand Mahindra’s Twitter page. Not only that, Anand Mahindra is also able to give its own recognition to the right people.

Even recently, Anand Mahindra shared a photo of the popular Bangalore-Udupi road and encouraged people to dive into it. Similarly, in the Mahindra tractor, the video of the bride and groom went viral on a large scale.

Fruit picker

In that sense, the tweet that Anand Mahindra is currently sharing is also getting likes among Netizens on a large scale. Generally, a lot of tools are used to pluck the fruit from the tree. In that regard, Anand Mahindra has posted an innovative video of picking fruits with a plastic bottle on his Twitter page.

In the video he shared in this regard, a person cuts the bottom of a plastic bottle into a shape, attaches it to a pipe and uses it as a tool to pluck the fruit. Also, when using the tool formed by this bottle, these fruits fall down and go straight into that bottle without causing damage.

This is not a big invention, Ana

Anand Mahindra, who shared this, praised the tinkers, saying, “This is nothing short of a great invention. But I’m excited because it shows the growing culture of tinkering.

anand mahindra shares video of tool to pluck fruits

The related video is currently getting a lot of praise among Netizens.

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