And in the end, Glazer wins on penalties: on an evening full of character for Hapoel Beer Sheva

by time news

There is nothing more difficult than watching such a fateful game, a game for an entire season, from afar. Greece! Actually there is. To see a game like this from a Greek island where the Wifi is weak, really weak that even the surfing package has trouble finding a network there. And despite everything, fate wanted and it worked quite well – until the 120th minute.

Yes, we saw very well the unnecessary foul of Lopes that led to the Romanians’ advantage goal and we also saw what Shafi Sulaimanov has in his legs and Tomer Hamed in his head during the move that brought the equalizing goal and gave us our pulse back. And that’s it. It lasted until the end of overtime, the ball was already on the penalty spot and then, just before the first kick, it fell. the Internet. Along with it, the hearts of the children and mine. Tried again and again, but without success.

I’m not breathing and Aili, my little son, reassures: “Don’t worry, we have Glazer.” Another 6 minutes pass that feel like an eternity and the internet comes back when the first image we see is Romanian actors on the floor and one giant Omer Glazer jumping. We too, in the middle of a local coffee shop, jumped as if it was Turner. All around are the stunned looks of some locals who don’t quite understand who the strange people are who jump up to them in the middle of the restaurant and shout: “This Is TURNER”. And the truth is, we didn’t really care.

But we are polite, so here is the explanation: Beer Sheva is once again in the group stage. And this time, it is perhaps the most exciting of all. It’s hard to say that we have a great team, but it has what it lacked in recent years. A group of fighters with a big heart, who want to win for the symbol they have on their shirt. Those on the field don’t stop running and those on the bench look like the fans from Gate 4 (UltraSouth): a group of true believers who don’t break even when conceding a goal in a crucial minute in extra time and come back big to take the whole jackpot.

But this time it’s not only that – it’s also a coach who proves that he doesn’t just bring heart to the field, but a lot of knowledge and senses of a winner and this time Eliniv Barda did it with two winning substitutions. He brought Tomer Hamed and Shafi Sulaimanov off the bench and the two brought the turn. Anyway, it seems Barda hit a bull’s eye. If what we saw tonight from Shafi is the promo, then Beer Sheva may have found the tiebreaker – the stranger who makes the difference. If you want, the Wakama/Joshua that Beer Sheva was so looking for.

And above all, of course, Glazer. The man who signed the State Cup is also the man who takes Beer Sheva all the way to the group stage of the Conference League. I don’t know who we will get in the draw today, but I suggest the teams in Europe not to challenge us with penalties. As we say in Turner: football is played for 120 minutes and at the end Glazer wins on penalties

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