And now the problem of the lack of dollars is that the poor and the middle class spend electricity and gas

by time news

Although it is true and it is a fact of reality, that in the first five months of the year there was a gross outflow of US$ 4,821 million for imported electricity and fossil fuels, which is true in a post-pandemic context, a war that hides a restructuring of the world and an unpayable foreign debt, are a lot of resources that vanish in the mere fact of living decently.

The implantation and the crushing, ad nauseam, that you are the problem and that you take it as an irrefutable truth, is the smokescreen that hides the real authors and beneficiaries due to the lack of dollars.

To cite an example of where and how the dollars went, I say that, from the month of December 2015 to November 2019, the government of Mauricio Macri, there were debt placements by the Argentine Republic for US$ 159,017 million, the which did not result in a better life for the population at all and were transformed, in their vast majority, into the bombastic phrase “placement of Argentine assets abroad”, translated, is “capital flight” that the people of Argentina have to pay for. walking.

Faced with this reality that occurred not long ago, this government can think of no other better idea than removing subsidies for electricity and gas services, which is the same as a “tariff” and not going in search for those truly responsible for the lack of dollars. Furthermore, for this fraudulent mortgage of our future, no one was imprisoned and I doubt that anyone will be, even for ten minutes.

The increases will be “two taxis or two pizzas”.

The martyrdom of the rate hikes began at the beginning of 2016 at the time that the Minister of Treasury and Finance was Alfonso Prat-Gay “neoliberal government”; who coined phrases like “we can’t keep wasting what we don’t have”, the increases will be “two taxis or two pizzas”. We are in the month of August 2022 “popular government”, which has been in power for two years and talks about the “segmentation of rates” that is, more rates, due to the lack of dollars.

Prat Gay said this in a note published on December 31, 2015 in Infobae:

“In this regard, the minister reiterated that the tariff adjustment for domestic energy will not be applied in the same way to all users, and that the cross-referencing of databases will be used as a method. “We are going to subsidize those that we have to subsidize,” he said, referring to households with lower incomes.

As we can see, they are the same words, phrases and methodology that are currently used by the Minister of Economy Sergio Massa and his economic team. The same song by different interpreters

A popular government since 2019

And if we ask ourselves some of the reasons why dollars are missing? Last year, exports registered an income to the BCRA of around 100 billion dollars. Did they go into imports necessary to sustain the level of production and activity? Aren’t there scoundrels who are overinvoicing imports, both in merchandise and services?

The lack of state controls over import firms is very evident, and this has encouraged illegal behavior to obtain extremely cheap dollars and leave them abroad or put them in the financial system in the black. The lack of dollars is not a curse of satan, it is a consequence of macroeconomic disorder and the help of a part of JUSTICE. This justice is the same that a few days ago forced the State to give an individual subsidized dollars for the purchase of a luxury private plane. And the culprit is you who turns on the stove!!!

Given this waste and lack of control, Minister Massa made it known that among those who overcharged imports, there is a very important supplier of Vaca Muerta and two operations that, with a precautionary order from a judge, raised the urgency of releasing 20 million dollars to import towels and another order for slot machines. “We are going to be tough on importers who have made reservations,” Massa said, only now!!!!!!

These ways of governing show that poverty is not a force of Nature or something that just happens. Poverty exists because there are powerful people who plot how to keep the share of wealth that belongs to many. But it is one thing to live in poverty and another to get used to it.

Rebellion, solidarity, searching together for solutions to survive while putting an end to the creators of poverty is the only way to not get used to being poor.

Given this, we must inexorably ask ourselves, what can we do? Well, let’s do.

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