Andrew Garfield wants to play Richard Branson in TV series | free press

by time news

Spider-Man actor Andrew Garfield could soon be in front of the camera as multi-billionaire and visionary Richard Branson. The life of Branson is to be filmed in a mini-series.

The Angels.

From Spider-Man to multi-billionaire: US actor Andrew Garfield (38, “The Amazing Spider-Man”, “Tick, Tick… Boom!”) is said to be the British multi-billionaire, visionary and entrepreneur in the planned TV mini-series “Hot Air”. Impersonate Richard Branson (71).

Negotiations for the leading role in the six-part series were underway, the industry journals “Variety” and “” reported on Friday (local time). David Leitch (“Deadpool 2”) is on board as director.

The series, based on the non-fiction book “Dirty Tricks: British Airways’ Secret War Against Virgin Atlantic”, follows the rapid rise of Branson since the 1980s with his airline Virgin Atlantic, which became a competitor for the established company British Airways. British Airways took action against Branson’s flight with questionable practices. Branson went to court for dirty tricks, after a settlement British Airways had to pay damages in 1993. Branson is said to have founded over 400 companies, including the space company Virgin Galactic.

Garfield recently received his first Emmy nomination for his TV role in the miniseries Under the Banner of Heaven. Last January, he won the Golden Globe for Best Comedy Actor in the musical Tick, Tick… ​​Boom!. The role also earned him an Oscar nomination. (dpa)

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