“Animals don’t need to be loved, it’s not about that”

by time news

2023-09-21 06:30:38

“L’estiu del gaig blau” is Jordi Font’s first novel, after publishing a couple of short stories in literary magazines and winning the Sant Narcís narrative prize. Font, however, earns his living as a farmer and shepherd on the family farm. He will present the novel on October 4 in Girona, at Llibreria 22

Farmer and writer. God forbid, what two jobs to get rich.

It can be seen that I have a good eye for business, to detect the emerging sectors of the Catalan economy.

A crack, it’s you.

And, for dessert, sheep farmer, which is absolute decadence.

Being bored is impossible, farming is a job where the work never ends

I imagine the sheep are so boring that they kill time by writing.

Wow, it’s impossible to get bored, being a farmer is a job where the work never ends. The thing is, I’ve always written, I’ve always loved it, and it just felt like now was the time.

Take the opportunity to write while the lambs graze?

If writing was just typing, no. Now, when I ride the tractor or feed in the yard, which are jobs that leave a part of your brain free, I think about the book. If I think of something, I write it down where I can, maybe in the sheep parts book.

Speaking of countryside and literature: I recently read a book where the protagonist, a farmer, is unable to kill his animals, he loves them too much.

That doesn’t happen to me (laughs).

Don’t you love them?

Do you know what’s going on? Those who look at it from afar have such strong convictions that it is not worth trying to convince them. But those of us who work on it know what the issue is about, and at least we have the contradictions on our doorstep every day, not just on a theoretical level.

My father confesses to me that it is becoming more and more difficult for him to kill animals. And it happened to my grandfather too. And I think it’s starting to happen to me

In other words, you can love animals and kill them.

It would be absurd not to kill them, since they are born they have this purpose, and it is over. Now, my father confesses to me that it is becoming more and more difficult for him to kill animals. And it happened to my grandfather too. And I think it’s starting to happen to me. It will happen to my daughters before, when a lamb is born and it has to be given a bottle, they ask me “will this one stay”? If you don’t have to stay, it’s not worth taking them love…

A pragmatic guy

What I do is the result of my reflections and having experienced it first hand. It is not my intention to convince anyone.

Mine, when a lamb is born and it has to be given a bottle, they ask me “will this one stay”? If you don’t have to stay, it’s not worth taking them love…

Animalists, do they love animals?

Yes, of course. But it’s not about loving them, loving is a very human concept. Animals don’t need to be loved. Simply put, we are all part of a wheel and we must try to pass through it with as little harmful footprint as possible. Animalists do it their way, and I do mine. I haven’t discussed these topics in a while.

Are readers like cattle given feed to fatten?

(Laughs) I guess there is someone who, when he writes, is aware that he is making fodder. But most people who write are trying to feel like a writer.

Today the citizens treat us as if we were a herd?

Today? I think always. Some are shepherds and the rest are herdsmen.

From time to time there is news of people from the city complaining about the stench or the noise in the countryside. You should have more consideration for urbanites.

Some quickly understand what the field is, and others may take longer. Maybe if I went somewhere else, it would be just as crazy (laughs).

Some are shepherds and the rest are herdsmen

And what do you think?

It is normal, there are people who arrive with certain expectations, and it is found that the main activity of the place is farming. Then it’s a question of balance: when there are more complainers, the traditional activity will suffer. I must be lucky, because I live in a place that is not excessively crowded and the few people who come there, integrate perfectly. In any case, there are still fewer and fewer farmers left…

Have you been to London, to write about London?

Well, I haven’t been there, no. I’ve been to Ireland, but not to London. In fact, what the characters do there, they could do anywhere else. As long as the reader finds it believable, that’s enough.

#Animals #dont #loved

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