Ankara Front with the UN Security Council

by time news

2023-08-23 06:16:00

Satisfaction in Nicosia and severe discomfort of her Ankara caused by his public statement UN Security Council for the unprecedented incidents in the dead zone, near the Pyla village of Cyprus. The statement condemned the incidents against the peacekeeping force. In particular, the final text notes “serious concern” about what happened and that “the unauthorized construction projects are contrary to Security Council resolutions and constitute a violation of the status quo in the UN dead zone.”

Condemnation of attacks against peacekeepers is accompanied by the note that “attacks targeting peacekeepers may constitute crimes under international law.” In addition, it is underlined that “the members of the Security Council confirmed their full support for UNFICYP and its authority under its mandate within and in the demarcation of the dead zone and demanded the removal of all unauthorized constructions and the prevention of unauthorized military or civilian activities within and along the ceasefire lines.” Finally, the members of S.A. reaffirm their commitment “to a lasting, comprehensive and just settlement in accordance with the wishes of the people of Cyprus and based on a bi-communal, bi-zonal federation with political equality, as defined in the relevant Security Council resolutions”.

Nicosia, through a statement from the Cypriot Ministry of Foreign Affairs, expressed its satisfaction with the statement. “The Turkish occupying forces planned and attempted to implement a new and very serious military violation in the no-fly zone. The attempted paving of the road between the occupied village of Arsos and Pyla is a violation of the status quo in the area and is contrary to the resolutions of the SA. of the UN, as emphasized by the Security Council itself,” the announcement states. It is pointed out that “the strong reaction of the international community is a clear response to the objections of the Turkish Cypriot leadership and Turkey, and sends a strong message that such actions will not be accepted”. THE Cypriot government he emphasizes, however, that “a possible continuation of these actions negatively affects the efforts made to restart the talks to resolve the Cyprus issue, but also the future of Euro-Turkish relations”.

“The United Nations has ceased to be impartial,” said Fidan – The reaction of the international community sends a message that such actions will not be accepted, says Nicosia.

The Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan he did not hide Ankara’s displeasure, declaring that “in this matter the United Nations has ceased to be impartial”. Along the same lines, a statement was issued by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where, among other things, it is stated that the statement of S.A. “it is far from the realities on the ground. Rather than contributing positively to the issue, the wording makes the process more difficult. The wording used for the events of August 18 distorts the facts and misrepresents what happened.”

The Turkish side repeats the characterization of the attempted road construction as a “humanitarian project”, while blaming the peacekeeping force, saying that its intervention “was the cause of the tension”. In fact, the announcement states that “UNFICYP is losing the trust of the “Turkish Cypriots” and is becoming part of the problem in Cyprus” and the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is asking the S.A. of the UN “to prevent this trend and ensure that UNFICYP demonstrates the impartiality expected of United Nations peacekeeping missions”.

#Ankara #Front #Security #Council

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