Anna Vardapetyan presented the results of the work of the Department for Confiscation of Illegal Assets to the Global Anti-Corruption Coordinator of the US State Department.

by times news cr

2024-08-28 14:37:04

The General Prosecutor’s Office informs:

“Today, Anna Vardapetyan received the delegation led by Richard Nephew, Coordinator of Global Anti-corruption Issues of the US State Department, who arrived in Armenia. The delegation also included Kristen Fresonk, the head of the Global Anti-Corruption Coordinator Group of the US State Department, Chip Leitinen, the US Deputy Ambassador to Armenia, and Alexis Haftvan, the Director of the US Embassy in Armenia’s Anti-Narcotics and Law Enforcement Cooperation Program (INL).

During the meeting, the activities carried out by the General Prosecutor’s Office in the field of anti-corruption were presented, as well as the prospects for the development of cooperation with the USA in the fight against corruption.

Anna Vardapetyan, in particular, referred to the work and recorded results of the department for confiscation of property of illegal origin formed in 2020 at the General Prosecutor’s Office. In this context, the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Armenia informed the US colleagues that currently 94 lawsuits regarding the confiscation of property of illegal origin are being examined in the Anti-Corruption Court, with which the Prosecutor General’s Office requests to confiscate in favor of the Republic of Armenia about 1050 immovable and 210 movable movable properties, participation in about 280 legal entities, as well as also more than 510 billion drams (about 1 billion 253 million US dollars). “We also have success stories in the form of approved reconciliation agreements, by which 6 immovable and 1 movable properties were transferred to the Republic of Armenia, as well as about 80 million drams,” the Prosecutor General of the Republic emphasized, adding that the total value of the signed settlements is about 2 billion 200 million drams (about 5 million 405 thousand US dollars).

Richard Nefew thanked Anna Vardapetyan for presenting the works and tools aimed at fighting corruption and emphasized that the purpose of his visit to Armenia is to support the anti-corruption fight.

Anna Vardapetyan highly appreciated the cooperation of the General Prosecutor’s Office with the American partners and the support to increase the professional training of the prosecutors of the Department for Confiscation of Illegal Assets and the Anti-Corruption Committee of the RA Anti-Corruption Committee of the General Prosecutor’s Office.

Anna Vardapetyan emphasized the readiness of the General Prosecutor’s Office to expand cooperation.

Other issues of mutual interest were discussed during the meeting.”

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