“Another Sunset”, the literary debut (in English) by Filippo Lucca

by time news

2024-01-19 04:55:00

“Another Sunset”, the literary debut (in English) by Filippo Lucca

Another Sunset is a novel that can be defined as a set of many stories. The tormented love story between Alice and Giulio, overwhelmed by the Civil War in Spain first and then by the Second World War. The rebellious instinct of Giulio’s brother, Filippo, who wants to become a fighter pilot at all costs, and will fight in Spain and the Mediterranean, finding himself entangled in the desperate fight against the excessive Allied air power. The desperate war of Stefano, Giulio’s best friend who will become a tank driver first and then a battalion commander, in the scorching sands of North Africa. Alice’s best friend, Flavia who lives her perfect relationship with Lorenzo, with whom she will save human lives under the bombings.

The damnation of Ciro, forced to leave his city due to stories of the Camorra but unable to abandon his warrior instinct, which will lead him to be absent from his wife to fight to the last in the hell of El Alamein. And, finally, the personal war of Bruno, great champion of the Italian national football team but anti-fascist, forced into confinement but indomitable and eager for redemption. Behind these characters, the turbulent years from 1935 to 1945 seen through the eyes of Italians. The war as a kind of recurring and oppressive entity behind and above the seven characters, who struggle to survive and overcome their adversities. Ethiopia, Spain, North Africa and Italy, ten long years without stopping that have shocked our country.

The characters in the novel interact with people who really existed, from Benito Mussolini to Vittorio Pozzo, from General Rommel to the German fighter ace Hans Joachim Marseille, up to Italian partisans and politicians. The pace is fast, with a gripping narrative full of passion and blood. The characters are very realistic and the events lead the reader to wonder what will happen in the next chapter. Perhaps the best part of the work is the mix of stories that actually happened, and stories that didn’t happened but could have happened. And maybe they really did.

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