Ant. Samaras in the Parliament: The marriage of same-sex couples is not a human right – It is not a commitment of the faction to legislate it – 2024-02-17 19:55:55

by times news cr

2024-02-17 19:55:55

The bill is dangerous, I vote against it

Strong criticism of the government, both for its handling of the Greek-Turkish language and the signing of the Friendship Pact, as well as for the bill for same-sex couples, was leveled by Antonis Samaras from the floor of the Parliament, speaking of a fundamental reversal of family law.

Points of Antonis Samaras’ speech:

Before a debate on conscience, I address everyone regardless of party affiliation

I don’t want to argue with anyone

One observation: The government does not feel threatened by the opposition. It’s not good and it’s not always right

A few days ago, he signed a friendship pact with Turkey. Erdogan threatened to throw us into the sea and now he is issuing NOTAM. Is this a friendship pact?

The government beware, overconfidence can lead it to make mistakes

Our faction should not have put it to a vote. I will obviously vote against it.

Same-sex marriage is not a human right. Marriage of same-sex couples is not compulsory. If a country wants to do it, if it wants not. So it starts with a lie.

The rights of same-sex couples are fully guaranteed by the cohabitation agreement. Marriage offers the right to procreate. We are not only talking about the right of two adults, but also the right of minors to both parents.

There are cases where children do not have one of the two parents. Fate deprives them of these cases, not the State.

When the state places children in the care of two nannies or fathers, it permanently deprives them of the right to a mother and a father, violating the right of the children.

For children who already live in an environment of same-sex couples: This can be covered with a simple notarial deed, or with an addition to the cohabitation agreement, i.e. to the existing legal framework.

Recently the Minister responded and said that the change in the agreement would solve the problem of children but would maintain the different treatment of minors.

We are doing away with the nuclear family. Mother and father are two distinct emotional patterns. No one can replace them. The Constitution also says so. How is it possible that the concept of marriage is not even associated with motherhood.

Indeed, it concerns only a few, but it also changes the lives of everyone. There will be wider implications. They are certain.

They will request that the title of father and mother be removed from public documents. It happened in France, they took legal action and it has now been abolished.

Let’s keep in mind what is being voted on.

They will ask that a family be taught in schools with something more neutral.

Today with our vote we will have equated disparate things, the cohabitation of same-sex couples with marriage.

The bill may provide that parent 1 and 2 will not enter. But it does not prevent it, we are opening a back door.

The bill bans surrogacy here but allows it abroad, which is also raised by the LGBTI community.

Today it is allowed for health reasons. We turn motherhood into a profession and a trade.

I spoke of things that WILL happen.. Hear what has already happened.

On 14/12, the European Parliament voted a draft regulation that includes a complete reversal of family law. Here this was completely glossed over.

Elimination of every reference to the father and mother and reference to parent 1 and parent 2. Greece should recognize the relationships of the child with a transgender parent, with multiple parents, etc.

What does the introduction to the report say? Importantly, it allows for non-traditional parenting arrangements even for more than two parents. The mother will lose the child and the child will lose the mother. Especially for countries that have already equated same-sex cohabitation with marriage. Lest we be called upon to recognize such monstrous figures.

Let’s go to our faction. Our MPs abstained. Are parent 1 and parent 2 in our lineup? And what will our faction do when the final report of this Regulation comes to the Council. I’ve heard it said that same-sex marriage is a party commitment. We have received no commitment, no objection to accept the rights, we have done a lot for LGBTI people. In no society can a “want” become a right.

With the Coexistence Agreement, we did not accept foster care at the time, during SYRIZA and now we accept adoption.

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