Ikaros Motorcycle Club: On Sunday it cuts the pie… with activities – 2024-02-17 19:54:09

by times news cr

2024-02-17 19:54:09

The day for the cutting of the cake of the Ikaros Motorcycle Club has arrived and it is none other than Sunday, February 18, while at the same time various activities have been planned for the members and friends of the Club.
It is worth recalling the relevant announcement issued for information, which states the following:
“On Sunday 18/2 from 9:00 in the morning we will have music and various dirt activities at the Ikaros MX Park motocross track on the Kalythion-Psinthos provincial road.
-Free friendly adventure tour on trails (Kalythena).
– Motocross training.
-Training and testing for our little friends on a specially designed rink for small children (Ikaros will have motorbikes for children who want to try for the first time), in the presence of a parent.
-Special enduro skills course where we will play a game against the times.
– Skewers, refreshments, music.
All riders taking part in the activities must have all the necessary protective equipment, helmet, chest and boots (anyone who is not protected will not be able to take part in any activity).
They must be over 18 years old, if they are under 18 years old, a parent must be present.”

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