ANTARSYA-Subversive Partnership press conference for the European elections on Monday 4/22 2024-04-20 18:01:33

by time news
ANTARSYA-Subversive Partnership press conference for the presentation of the European elections ballot, Monday 22/4, TEE room, 11am

ANTARSYA is holding a press conference on Monday at 11am, in the hall of the TEE, Nikis 10, for the presentation of the ballot of ANTARSYA- SUBVERSE COOPERATION in the upcoming European elections:

As noted, ANTARSYA intervenes in the European elections with the aim of:
  • Let the ND government and its politics be blackened and overthrown with the power of the struggles, so that the labor and people’s interests and rights come forward against their profits, war, ecological destruction, racism, sexism. Against the “opposition” of consensus in mainstream politics, in the EU and NATO.
  • To reveal the reactionary role of the EU in every aspect of social life, (austerity through the new “stability pact”, and the memoranda lasting until 2060, the all-round support of the murderous state of Israel and the turn to war, the privatizations in from the “liberation of the markets” packages, the destruction of small and medium farming and the environment). To express the social and political bloc of rupture and disengagement from the EU.
  • Let’s block the way to the extreme right and the fascism that are fueled by the policies of closed borders, racism and Islamophobia of EU-governments.
  • Let the hopeful, massive stream of radical, leftist orientation that was expressed in the municipal and regional elections take an important step forward.
  • Let’s strengthen the Left of subversion, which does not lower the bar of the dynamics of the movement in the name of “negative correlations”, which does not repeat the strategy of compromises and governmentalism, which has confidence in the forces of the working class and the youth to impose the their right to struggles, which paves the way for the anti-capitalist alternative to the capitalism of destruction with the working class at the “helm” of a new society.

2024-04-20 18:01:33

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