Anti-Covid vaccination: Argentina will compensate victims of adverse effects

by time news – Last Monday, on the sly, without international resonance, the Argentine government established a procedure ” compensation » for people who would have suffered from « side effects ” after being imposed the “ vaccine intended to generate acquired immunity against Covid-19, as part of the Strategic Health Plan approved on December 29, 2020 ».

The text was signed by Carla Vizzoti, Minister of Health, the same who implemented the mass injection plan, often opting for the same coercive forms as those currently in use in Europe: exclusion of unvaccinated employees, social stigmatization, vaccination of hundreds of thousands of people uninformed of the possible side effects, especially in the “villas miserias”, these Argentine favelas, in which millions of people are crammed without administrative existence. It is therefore the first country in the world where the political leader of an attack on human health establishes a compensation mechanism and officially admits the existence of adverse effects. The products in question are those of the Moderna, AstraZeneca, Pfizer-BioNTech, Johnson & Johnson and Sputnik V laboratories, which were administered indiscriminately in the southern country.

Resolution 7/2022 is not yet perfect, but it is a world first. The Argentine State recognizes the status, not yet of victims, but of “affected persons”. To initiate the compensation process, the claimant must report the adverse reaction through the “Argentine Integrated Health Information System” (SISA). The text provides that carrying out studies to demonstrate adverse effects is the responsibility of the victim, which could limit the registration of people on the margins of access to medical services. The request is made to a Medical Commission of the Superintendence of Occupational Risks (SRT).

In the last instance, the entity that will have to decide on the causal link between the product and the pathological event reported is the National Commission for Safety and Vaccines, CONASEVA by its acronyms in Spanish. CONASEVA will have to express itself on the basis of ” criteria for diagnosis, temporality and exclusion of alternative causes and may require any medical studies it deems relevant ».

If CONASEVA concludes that there is a causal link between the reported adverse effect and the vaccine, then the medical committee in charge will establish the percentage of disability and notify the claimants. According to this resolution, victims could be granted a disability framework and benefit from an early retirement scheme. ” The Superintendency of Occupational Risks, in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Health, may adapt and supplement the instrument mentioned for the assessment of age categories not provided for, including the pediatric rank ».

This last part, the inclusion of children, responds to an imprudence dictated by the effect of imitation of European and American measures. On July 2, 2021, a “decree of necessity and emergency”, known in Argentina as DNU, or an executive order system, had opened access to anti-Covid vaccination for pediatric use and for all age categories.

Death by administration of the vaccine is explicitly mentioned. In the event of the death of the victim, the resolution provides for the reporting of the “event” by a third party. If the causal link is demonstrated, the Covid-19 Reparation Fund will grant compensation equivalent to 140 salaries of the deceased to the beneficiaries. The life of the unemployed is worth nothing, in this case. But at least the Argentine state recognizes the potential lethality of the products.

The Covid-19 Repair Fund is intended to compensate people who suffer from a health problem related to the administration of one of the “vaccines” against Covid-19. The resolution does not give an indicator of the amount that will be allocated to this fund, in a country going through one of the worst economic crises in its history. What is certain, on the other hand, is that all costs will be borne by the Argentine State, Argentina, like all the other nations, having had to sign a blank check to the laboratories. The possibility of reporting adverse effects provides for a period of three years from the date of vaccination, beyond which the prescription will be dictated.

This reporting window could provide new, albeit not exhaustive, visibility on the number of deaths from Covid vaccination in Argentina and, by extrapolation, comparing equal age criteria and other parameters, worldwide.

This law should serve as an incentive to report adverse reactions. At the global level, under-declaration is estimated according to values ​​that vary by country and for which it is impossible to set a serious benchmark. Reports of reported cases, but not recorded by medical teams, are extremely documented. Moreover, to inventory the damage, it is tricky to have to rely on the objectivity of the teams that took part in the damage to people’s health.

Argentina is a country full of contrasts: champion of inflation and defaults in its credit lines, a nation where the most histrionic presidents have paraded, it is also the country with the most Nobel Prizes in Medicine, where medical tourism is practiced because of the quality of its diagnosis and the generosity of its health system. And it is also, strangely, in spite of the corruption, a country very imbued with the spirit of the Law.

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