Anti-Covid vaccines: A New Zealand whistleblower throws a wrench into the pond

by time news

2023-12-06 00:00:00

Barry Young, a statistician and employee of New Zealand’s public health agency, was arrested for illegally accessing and discussing vaccination databases. He was audited in court from Wellington on Tuesday December 4.

From statistician, he moved to whistleblower. Anyway, Barry Young — sometimes known as Winston Smith — works at Te Whatu Ora, the public health agency created by the New Zealand government to replace the country’s 20 district health boards on July 1, 2022 .

In a recent video, which circulates a lot on Twitter (X), he explains having studied the data from different batches of vaccines, before realizing that some of them greatly exceeded the mortality rate displayed to the public.

For this he was arrested and faces a maximum sentence of seven years in prison. He has not pleaded guilty and his lawyer has asked that he be released on bail and the case postponed until later in the year. During his appearance, The Post reports that the court was packed and the audience rose to applaud.

Under the bail law, media cannot publish details of the hearing. While awaiting the results, according to The Post, Te Whatu Ora confirmed that Barry Young would remain employed, but would not have access to any data systems.

Very quickly, this affair stirred New Zealand even in the political sphere. On Twitter (X), Jim Fergusson reacted : “[…] Barry Young did what was right. He revealed the truth when no one else did. Social media campaigns and public rallies are organized to defend him, highlighting his altruism and dedication to the well-being of the population. After the revelation of hidden data on Covid-19 vaccination, the New Zealand government finds itself in an unprecedented crisis situation. Senior officials are in blind panic and scrambling to deal with the fallout from what is quickly becoming a national scandal.”

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