Anti-Semitic graffiti was discovered at the school

by time news

The inscription “Jews are not wanted” was sprayed on a sign at a school in the USA. And this was a few days after a lesson was given in the whole school about anti-Semitism, the principal announced in a letter to parents. In addition, additional Nazi inscriptions were found in the area in recent weeks

The Montgomery County Police in Maryland, USA, are looking for the person responsible for a Nazi address against Jews. A sign at the entrance to the school was stamped with the words “Jews are not invited”, and this, a few days after a school-wide lesson on anti-Semitism was held. In addition, the district police are investigating a number of anti-Semitic Nazi addresses , an anonymous person painted a swastika in Montgomery Canyon, which is a few miles from the school.

The president of the Montgomery County Council, Evan Glass, told The Washington Post that “anti-Semitism is on the rise in Montgomery County, there are more and more brazen statements that are chilling to Jewish people like me and the wider community,” Glass said, adding that county residents report anti-Semitic incidents to him in his position as a council member.

In a letter to parents, principal Robert David asked anyone with information about the vandalism at the high school to report it, and he encouraged parents to talk to students about anti-Semitism. According to him, the school’s Jewish student association organized a class for the whole school about anti-Semitism. The lesson included students’ descriptions of their personal experiences in high school.

In addition, last month, police investigated anti-Semitic Nazi inscriptions, including swastikas, and white supremacy slogans, found in the area, as well as other anti-Semitic Nazi inscriptions found nearby.

The county council, which unanimously passed a resolution to address anti-Semitism last month, issued a statement on Saturday about the latest incident. “We are disgusted and angry to learn of yet another display of hatred against the Jewish community in Montgomery County,” the statement said. “These actions are not only the desecration of public spaces, but hurtful and harmful to the entire community of Montgomery County.”

Councilman Glass said he encourages Jewish residents to continue reporting cases of discrimination. “When people experience or witness anti-Semitism, they should speak up. They should notify the police. Students should notify their teacher or principal,” Glass said. “There is an increase in anti-Semitism, no matter what the hatred is, we must voice it every time we see it.”

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