Aortic Aneurysm Surgery With New Method At Home In 2 Days – Health & Wellness

by times news cr

(ANSA) – AREZZO,⁢ 08 AUG​ -⁢ A patient operated on Friday 2 ‌August for a thoraco-abdominal ‍aneurysm with a minimally invasive percutaneous technique, without surgical incisions, was able ​to ‍return⁣ home the following‍ Sunday. This is the clinical⁤ case of a 71-year-old patient in Arezzo treated ​by the UOC Vascular Surgery of the San Donato hospital, reported by the ASL ⁣Toscana Sud Est.‍ “Aortic aneurysms” – explains the director of Vascular Surgery, Giorgio Ventoruzzo ⁣- “are dilations of the largest artery in our body ⁢that⁣ passes through the thorax‍ and abdomen and from⁣ which⁤ the⁣ arteries‌ that supply blood to the limbs, neck-head and internal organs ⁤originate. It⁤ is a potentially lethal ‌pathology because the progressive dilation ‌of⁢ the ​vessel​ over time can‍ lead to its rupture, causing⁤ a catastrophic internal ⁤hemorrhage that is fatal in all untreated cases”.

These patients, Ventoruzzo continues, ​”until a few years ago, were operated with⁣ traditional open surgery, ⁣only⁣ in a few national and international⁤ centers of excellence. Currently we have new‌ generation ‘custom made’ endoprostheses available, that is,⁤ made to measure based on the patient’s anatomy, equipped with ‘branches’ or‌ internal or external ramifications that are⁣ connected to the vessels involved in ⁢the​ aortic​ dilation ⁣through⁢ special covered‌ stents”.

⁣​ ⁤The operation is‌ delicate. The director of Vascular Surgery​ states​ that “there can be even significant⁣ complications, but‍ if everything goes ‍well the next day the patient can eat, walk and after two days can return to his normal daily activities.⁤ More and​ more operations of this type, which we define‌ as ‘complex aortic endovascular surgery’, are performed at S. Donato, placing our hospital ‌on a par ​with the best national ⁣and international vascular surgery centers”. (ANSA).

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