Apex Legends fans Accuse Developers of AI Art Use in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Collab

by time news

Title: Fans Accuse Apex Legends of Using AI Art in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Collab

A controversy has erupted in the gaming community as Apex Legends fans accuse the game’s developers of using AI art for promotional material during the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth event. The issue came to light after Art Director and Designer Thorsten Denk called out the alleged use of AI in the game’s promotional materials.

The collaboration event between Apex Legends and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth was announced during the 2023 Video Game Awards show in December. With the event set to begin on January 6, 2024, the development team released promotional materials to generate excitement among fans.

However, some fans were quick to notice elements in the promotional art that they claim were created using AI. Denk took to social media to express his disappointment, stating, “Apex Legends/EA using AI instead of paying artists for their promo art is just depressing. Pandora’s box has truly been opened and it feels to me like we’ve collectively decided to devalue the human soul for profit.”

Denk shared screenshots of art from the Apex Legends x FF7 Rebirth trailer, highlighting elements that he believes show the alleged use of AI. The issue has sparked conversation among artists and members of the gaming community, with many expressing their concern over the alleged practice.

Elevate KOOBI, a Rainbow Six Siege Community Artist, voiced their disappointment, saying, “Especially sh*tty to see when you know that they’ve been working with talented artists like IFrAgMenTIx in the past.”

As the debate continues, the official Apex Legends account shared art created by Fragment, and the use of AI in the gaming industry remains a hot-button topic. At the time of writing, neither developer Respawn Entertainment nor publisher EA have acknowledged the claims made by fans and artists.

The debate over the alleged use of AI art in the collaboration between Apex Legends and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth raises important questions about the value of human creativity in the gaming industry. As the discussion continues to unfold on social media, fans and artists are eager to see how the developers and publishers will respond to the allegations.

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