Aracely Arámbula could look for Bizarrap to create a song against Luis Miguel

by time news

2023-05-19 00:24:57

Aracely Arámbula continues to be at the center of the controversy after her controversial statements about Luis Miguel.

Perspective Writing

Not only has he talked about the complicated relationship he has with his children, but now he has called him “King Cucaracho”. Despite this, her fans have supported her while the famous “Sun” sells tickets for her long-awaited return live from her.

It is important to remember that these statements arose after part of Luis Miguel’s new private life with his girlfriend, Paloma Cuevas, and their two daughters were leaked. Many have accused the singer of being an irresponsible father for not wanting to have a close relationship with the children he had with Aracely Arámbula.

It has broken the silence about this complicated relationship that it agreed to have at the time with the “Sun”.

“Mamacitas, if I came out of ‘King Cucaracho’, you can come out of any boy,” were Aracely’s exact words, generating jubilation among the people present at the conference she attended.

Thanks to her words, which quickly went viral, Aracely Arámbula’s fans have suggested that she write a song with Bizarrap, just like Shakira at the time. They even proposed the name “Session 53” for the possible theme, although this seems unlikely to happen.

“I am mom and dad to my two children,” Aracely Arámbula told the media during her recent arrival in Mexico.

This arose when the press asked the actress about the current situation of Luis Miguel and his close relationship with the daughters of his new girlfriend in Madrid, Spain. Aracely did not hesitate to talk about the paternity of Luis Miguel with Miguel, 16 years old, and Daniel, 14 years old.

During her intervention with the media, Aracely Arámbula decided to speak openly about Luis Miguel’s relationship with his children, the result of their romance between 2005 and 2009. «I don’t need financial help.

My children have a lot of father with my dad, my brother and my nephews. My children are in a very close family and receive a lot of love. The only person there who is aware of my children is their godmother Natalia. I work a lot and we live very well with what I have. I have my career from before Luis Miguel, with Luis Miguel and after Luis Miguel », she expressed.

#Aracely #Arámbula #Bizarrap #create #song #Luis #Miguel

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