Are we prepared for new pandemics?

by time news

Given the possible arrival of new pandemics such as covid-19, the World Health Organization, WHO, called on governments to continue working on prevention and vaccination.

The WHO warned about possible new biological threats that may affect humans in the near future.

The entity warned about the mutations that the covid-19 virus has had such as Omicron, Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta variables.

WHO invited the international community to “don’t underestimate the virus” and stay vigilant, invest in more research, develop new vaccines, and work on prevention.

According to the WHO, “the world is still unprepared for another pandemic” for which “it is essential that governments maintain and strengthen surveillance and sequencing”.


Since last year, the WHO launched a global scientific project to update the list of priority pathogens that could cause outbreaks or pandemics.

This in order to determine investments in research and vaccine development.

International experts have been recommending a list of priority pathogens for which more research and investment is required.

A previous list includes pathogens such as covid-19, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, Ebola, Marburg virus, Lassa fever, Middle East respiratory syndrome and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Nipah Virus and Henipavirus Infections, Rift Valley Fever, Zika, and what I call disease X for a new and unknown disease to be prepared for.


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