Are you distracted or clueless? 10 tips to improve it

by time news

2023-08-07 15:00:57

Sometimes being distracted or clueless is directly related to multitasking. There are many ways to reduce those distracting episodes. We tell you how.

Last update: August 07, 2023

Who has not spent several minutes looking for something to be able to go out and, after several failed attempts, realize that they already had it? Also, it is possible that you forget commitments and remember them when it is too late. If you tell someone about it, they will soon accuse you of being distracted or clueless.

When similar things happen to you several times, You can apply some strategies to stop them from happening. Below, you will find recommendations to reduce distractions and to think about what may be happening to you.

Possible causes of your distraction

In general, distractions can be classified into two types: external and internal. Although they complement each other, they are actually part of different entities.

External distractions: They are those that are generated by sources unrelated to you, such as noise, situations that happen around you, subjects that interrupt what you do and others. How they affect performance or concentration varies from person to person.
Internal distractions: They are those that are generated by triggers related to your personality, your state of mind at the moment and other individual variables. For example, the lack of interest regarding the action that is being carried out, the degree of tiredness (fatigue, sleepiness and others) and the ability to concentrate or maintain attention.

On the other hand, if you’re wondering why you’re distracted, you’re also likely looking to take on more tasks than you can. In this sense, one of the possible reasons for your carelessness is the multitasking or multitasking, that is, the fact of carrying out several activities at the same time.

He multitasking it is a matter of diverted attention. Therefore, equals distraction. You write down a message, while you read a chat and listen to what a colleague or family member tells you.

While you may assume this is an advantage, in the medium and long term the consequences are visible. Thus, it is possible that you do not connect with the activities and, progressively, you obtain deficiencies in your performance.

However, there are several other reasons why you may be confused. There are conditions that are characterized by distractibility, such as ADHD or attention deficit disorder. In any case, if your forgetfulness interferes with your daily life, it is best to consult a doctor.

Tips to be less clueless

Maybe you should ask yourself the following: distracted with what? It is possible that you intend to fulfill what is beyond the possible. Next, we will give you some tips that you can apply to focus on your activities and improve distractions. Put these suggestions into practice!

1. Start with what’s important

Before starting the day, you can make a list of those tasks that you have ahead of you and assign them a priority. In this way, you will not only have an overview of the day, but as you progress or meet objectives, you continue with what is next.

If you are distracted or clueless, Agendas are an excellent option to always have on hand. Write down in them all your commitments according to their urgency and review them daily to avoid possible forgetfulness. It is best to take a look at them in the evenings to start the day with the daily activities in mind.

2. Find a way to remind yourself of things.

In addition to having a diary in which you write all your tasks, you can use other means to remember them. For example, use sticky notes in strategic places that are visible. Also, you can always keep each object in a particular place.

Another option is cell phone reminders. You can implement alarms that sound a while before your obligations so you don’t forget them. Similarly, using the calendars that include cell phones is a good strategy. Thus, you can configure it to emit an alert when you need to remember something.

3. Know your times and learn to manage them

Many times, distraction comes hand in hand with a lack of organization. Therefore, it is good that you can plan your activities. Instead of trying to do so many daily activities, think about the number you can cover.

That way, you won’t be so busy that you forget little details or commitments.. In addition, you will be able to perform better in the tasks you perform. This, too, will decrease your stress and fatigue.

4. Try to stay focused

Try to be present here and now, in what is happening. Of course it can be difficult but, if while you are having a conversation with someone you are also checking WhatsApp notifications, you might miss important details of the conversation.

To increase your focus, you can practice therapies like mindfulness. These kinds of mindfulness treatments can improve concentration, mood, and immediate auditory-verbal memory. Also, they can reduce your stress and anxiety levels. It’s worth a try!

5. Bubble gum mask

Although it may seem strange to you, Did you know that chewing gum can improve your attention levels? To be less clueless, a good option is to try chewing gum while performing tasks that require maximum concentration.

Although its effects remain under analysis, chewing gum may be helpful in maintaining alertness and avoiding drowsiness. Therefore, has a positive effect on attention, although it does not last as long. Your results can stay for 30 minutes. Perhaps you can make use of it at certain times.

6. Choose a distraction-free site

Try to work or study in an environment that is not contaminated with stimuli visual and auditory. In your home, avoid those places that are transitory, that is, where many people circulate constantly.

Also, you can silence your cell phone or leave it in another space while doing important tasks, like studying. In this way, you will avoid those unwanted stimuli that distract you from your chores, such as notifications or checking your social networks.

7. Close tasks

Instead of proceeding with many tasks at once, it’s worth trying to focus on just one. For it, you can commit to a start and end timeeven though it’s short.

Even if they are small actions, you will see that they are useful for forging habits. Little by little, you can increase the time you dedicate to certain activities. When this happens, at the end of the day you will have the perception that you have achieved more of your goals.

8. Create moments of leisure and rest

To limit recurring distractions, it’s important to set aside some of your time to rest. In this sense, distraction is also necessary after periods of demand. The brain needs an escape valve, a breather.

That’s why, You have to find a balance between work and recreation.. A technique that supports this premise is the Pomodoro method, which consists of allocating 25 minutes to a specific task and then resting for 5 minutes. That way, you may have more focus and performance when needed.

9. Don’t justify yourself

Many times, the labels of “distracted” or “clueless” have a secondary benefit: denying responsibility. So, you can use this feature to justify yourself.

Therefore, to get out of your comfort zone and improve yourself in those aspects that you can improve, It’s important to be honest with yourself. Using distraction as an excuse can put you in a comfortable situation of not wanting to change or improve.

10. Adopt better lifestyle habits

Lack of sleep or unhealthy food can influence your daily concentration. If you are looking to be less clueless, the best thing you can do is sleep the necessary number of hours, 7 or 8, to be active the next day.

Similarly, having a balanced diet and incorporating unsaturated fatty acids is relevant to cognitive processes, such as learning and memory. That’s why, try to eat more healthy food and less junk food.

At the same time, stress can be another influential factor in your performance. As we mentioned, some strategies, such as mindfulness therapies, can help you reduce tension and encourage concentration. Also, doing sports is essential for this.

Do you want to be less clueless?

It is increasingly difficult to concentrate in a world with so many stimuli. Nevertheless, it is possible to be less clueless and face the negative effects of multitasking. To do this, we have offered you 10 tips that you can use daily.

Implement these options regularly. Thus, it is possible to increase your performance and observe how you reduce your episodes of forgetfulness or forgetfulness. Don’t feel bad about it! It’s normal to happen. However, if you notice that they are occurring more and more frequently, we recommend that you consult a health professional.

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