Arno Kompatscher: “freedom of movement between yellow areas will allow us to welcome guests” –

by time news

BOLZANO. The president of the province Arno Kompatscher welcomes the Italian government’s decision to allow openings in the so-called yellow zones starting from 26 April.

“The pressure from regions where infections have significantly decreased has paid off,” says Kompatscher. “We pushed for a gradual easing of the measures. The calendar presented by the chairman of the board Mario Draghi and by the minister of health Roberto Speranza it’s a step in the right direction “.

Although bars and restaurants were hoped to open for next week, the sector can now be better prepared for April 26th. Having a clear perspective is important for both companies and their employees.

“We are also happy that it has been restored freedom of movement between the yellow regions. This will finally allow South Tyrol to welcome guests from outside the province“, says the president. As far as schools are concerned, not much changes in South Tyrol, especially since most of the classes have already returned to face-to-face lessons.” In any case, we want to continue our testing strategy in order to reduce minimize the risks and do not step backwards “, concludes Kompatscher.

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