“Arrogant”: former peace negotiator on the ELN’s position on the kidnapping

by time news

2023-12-03 22:08:02

In an interview with Blu Radio, Juan Camilo Restrepo, who was a negotiator for the government of Juan Manuel Santos with this guerrilla, spoke about the Total Peace of Petro. He said, among others, that:

The statements regarding the kidnapping of Antonio García, head of the ELN, were arrogant: “It continues with the arrogance that practically all recent statements have had.” And he asked: “Why aren’t we going to talk about the kidnapping?”

He recalled that “in the protocols that were signed with the ELN it is very clear from Mexico that one of the commitments that those sitting at the table must fulfill is respect for international humanitarian law.”

Restrepo also said that the new Peace Commissioner, Otty Patiño, should maintain the line of not allowing kidnapping. Finally, Restrepo celebrated the decision of the Constitutional Court to adjust the Total Peace policy. With this decision, the terms of submission, the suspension of arrest warrants, among others, must be defined by Congress.

I recommend this story about how Otty Patiño receives Total Peace from Petro.

#Arrogant #peace #negotiator #ELNs #position #kidnapping

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