Artificial intelligence reaches photovoltaics

by time news

2024-01-09 13:36:13

The world of photovoltaics and renewable energies They go at breakneck speed. Almost every day we have news of all kinds, discovery of new materials, new more efficient products, new storage methods, and many more. But what artificial intelligence enters self-consumption to optimize energy use generated is something new.

For almost all aspects of our daily lives, artificial intelligence systems are being developed to improve processes, perform tasks more quickly or develop things more agilely. Thus, the field of renewable energies and especially photovoltaics They are not left behind.

In this way, there are several lines of work in which engineers, computer scientists and scientists develop to take advantage of the capacity of artificial intelligence in photovoltaics to optimize energy generation.

Artificial intelligence in the management of solar plants

In large solar farms for generating and selling electricity, artificial intelligence in photovoltaics to analyze the large amount of data that is generated. The trend in large photovoltaic solar plants is to control and monitor almost down to the level of each solar panel.

Thanks to devices such as the “Clever DX” that is installed in each panel and provides us with all the operating data of the same collector, through the IV curve, a large amount of data is generated that is very important to analyze. Furthermore, if we take into account that in a solar farm there may be around 300,000 or more solar modules installed, the amount of data to be managed is gigantic.

It is in this type of installations where artificial intelligence It helps engineers analyze this huge amount of data and convert it into useful information. In this way, the safety of the photovoltaic installation against fires and other factors can be improved, and adequate maintenance can be carried out, knowing the instantaneous electrical production and comparing it with the theoretical production of each panel.

An example of this is the simple cleaning of the panels, to eliminate the layer of dust that accumulates and causes a significant reduction in efficiency. With these devices and the analysis of a artificial intelligence in photovoltaics This can be detected and a cleaning of all panels scheduled in advance, when a slight reduction in generation is detected. We must bear in mind that these installations are designed to generate economic performance and any slight reduction in the efficiency of the panels can cause a large economic loss.

Artificial intelligence in photovoltaics for self-consumption

Another field of work for artificial intelligence is the automated management of all elements of self-consumption. Every day it is more common for homes to install a set of systems linked by the generation and self-consumption of electricity. We are talking about an installation photovoltaic for self-consumptionwith a battery for accumulation, a heat pump for air conditioning of the home and an electric or plug-in hybrid car charger, in addition to all the rest of the home’s appliances and lighting.

Well, the artificial intelligence for photovoltaic self-consumption Its mission, in these cases, is to analyze the amount of electricity that is being generated in the collection system, the amount of battery charge, electrical consumption and the price of electricity at all times. You can even test the amount of charge in the vehicle and decide, if necessary, to discharge the car battery a little, to use it at home.

For this, the artificial intelligence in photovoltaics Learn from common uses to make management decisions.

Electric car battery management

For example, when you connect the electric car to the charging socket every evening, the system checks the level of charge in the vehicle’s battery and compares it with that of all the previous days. This way you learn what average amount of electricity the car needs on your daily trips and you know what amount of electricity it may need for the next day.

Thus, if the charge level is much higher than what is usually needed, it does not charge it and may even decide to transfer part of that electricity to the home’s storage battery to use it for heating or other uses.

• Electricity price management

Similarly, if it is provided with access to information on daily hourly prices of electricity, the artificial intelligence can learn at what times grid electricity is most expensive or cheapest. You will use this information to decide when to use electricity from the grid or when to pour the accumulated excess into the battery, to ensure correct supply to the home and, at the same time, ensure a much lower monthly bill.

#Artificial #intelligence #reaches #photovoltaics

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