Artsakh is not just a piece of land, but a Sacred Homeland, an inherited treasure. The message of the spiritual leader of Artsakh

by time news

2023-09-02 13:41:09

The speech of the leader of the Diocese of Artsakh of the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Artsakh.

“The secret of happiness lies in independence, and the secret of independence lies in courage”

(Thucydides, Greek historian, 4th century BC)

Dear compatriots,

Today, more than ever, this beautiful affirmation of independence is understandable for every conscious Armenian. 32 years ago on this day, the declaration of independence of the people of Artsakh was born on the path of searching for this God-given happiness, because there was also enough courage. Thanks to the collective will of Armenians, the heavy chains of decades were broken, the longing for freedom, which had been hidden for centuries in the souls of the people of Artsakh, turned into a suppressed and condensed force, erupted and received its well-deserved resolution: Artsakh is no longer independent. The Declaration of Independence spread like good news from the heights of Artsakh and entered the homes of every Armenian in Armenia and the Diaspora world.

It is an inviolable law of life that nothing good or valuable is given to man easily. Yes, we were able to acquire that priceless treasure, free and independent Artsakh, by shedding blood and sweat, but we failed to keep that treasure always cared for and safe. We could not fully grasp the simple truth that independence has two sides: visible and invisible. If to some extent we succeeded in gaining external, that is, physical independence, then unfortunately we cannot say the same about internal independence. We became independent from the enemy, but remained dependent on our harmful desires. Christianity teaches us that we must first establish independence and peace within ourselves, and then around us. In the course of history, the freedom won by the strength of many nations has been destroyed as a result of internal divisions and materialistic life.

Artsakh is not just a piece of land, but a Sacred Homeland, an inherited treasure. Today, as a nation, we are facing a serious test, and the loss of Artsakh will not only be the loss of the people of Artsakh, but will become a shame and reproach for all Armenians. Jesus Christ says: “Where your treasures are, there your hearts will be also” (Matthew 6:21). Is the heart of all Armenians in Artsakh today?

Understanding this bitter reality, the Supreme Spiritual Council of our Church issued a clear assessment of the prevailing difficult situation and a call to our nation, stating in particular: “The rhetoric used by the Azerbaijani authorities, as well as the steps initiated, make it evident that the latter has officially adopted not only the Republic of Artsakh, but also the policy of occupying the sovereign territories of the Republic of Armenia, destroying traces of ethnic Armenian identity and heritage, with the aim of destroying the Armenian statehood.

The disproportional reactions and behavior of the Armenian authorities are more than worrying about the complex and dangerous developments. The position of the Armenian authorities regarding the recognition of Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan is rejected, which does not have any moral, legal and security justification and absolutely does not correspond to the collective expectations and national interests of our people. The sovereignty and territorial integrity of Armenia is non-negotiable, the right to self-determination realized by the referendum of the people of Artsakh is indisputable.”

There are still dark clouds around us and the cordon is getting tighter and tighter. This day of commemoration of independence makes it more obvious that the secret power of the final victory of Artsakh’s fair trial lies in the unity of all Armenians. After so many trials, the time has come to understand that we are not different “patches” of the nation, divided by Armenian Armenians, Artsakh Armenians, Diaspora Armenians. We are one nation, wherever we are, in whatever geographical location we are.

Dear compatriots, regardless of the hardships we have suffered and the uncertainty about the future, I congratulate all of us on the most important day of independence of the Republic of Artsakh, because it is an indisputable value. The Gospel also reminds us: “For whoever has, to him will be given and more will be added, but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him” (Matthew 13:12). Whoever has the ability to keep and appreciate what has been given to him, will be given more, and whoever does not have it, what he has will be taken from him. Let us as a nation not get the negative side of this scriptural truth. Let us appreciate what we have, become independent from indifference and self-centeredness in order to have national independence as well. God bless the Artsakh world and the entire Armenian people.

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