Arturo Vidal’s strong response after being criticized by Jaime Pizarro: “Minister of cahuín” – 2024-03-08 22:33:26

by times news cr

2024-03-08 22:33:26

“It must be that he has no work to do,” was part of the harsh defense of the Colo Colo midfielder against the Minister of Sports.

During the night of this Tuesday, February 13, Arturo vidal He raised his voice after the Minister of Sports, Jaime Pizarrocriticized him for his statements after the suspension of the match between Colo Colo and Huachipato for the Super Cup at the National Stadium.

After the incidents at the Ñuñoa facility, “the King” stated: “Worse things happen elsewhere and people play. Brazil and Argentina killed each other and played the same, I don’t know why here in Chile they are so serious“.

Faced with these sayings, Jaime Pizarro declared that “should have condemned the violenceIn everything that happened, “There was fire and damage to the infrastructure.” To which he added: “We agree that we do not want violence in sporting activity, but I think that that vision that there was of what the game was did not agree with what was happening.”

Arturo Vidal’s harsh response against Minister Jaime Pizarro

After that, the La Roja midfielder did not hold anything back and charged against the head of Sports through a broadcast on Twitch.

“Ah, minister of cahuín, please. No… he wants to get into the conversation… Do not mess! You have to do what you… you are the Minister of Sports, you have to… He gets into what I said. It must be that he has no work to do.“, he started saying.

To which he added: “What a pain, because is a good person. I have nothing with him, I have greeted him well, but when they mess with me… that doesn’t work, it doesn’t work.”

On the other hand, Arturo Vidal clarified the controversial statements he made last Sunday at the National Stadium. “It bothered me when the game ended because when we were playing nothing was happening. They (referees) signaled the start of the second half. If the second half started and nothing happened, why do you stop it? “That’s all I said,” he said.

“If the game starts and they leave the ca… in the 25th minute, it ends in the 25th minute and no more is played, but let’s not wait and wait… then it starts and again. No hue… if the ca… remains, he stops and bye, the game is over. That bothers, “We wanted to finish the game with 12 minutes left to lift the cup and that’s it,” continuous.

Finally, the Colo Colo footballer asked for strong measures to be applied against the fans and pointed out that “clearly the disorders in the stadiums they can’t pass. I hope they never happen again in Chilean football.”

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