Asia Argento and Chiara Valerio among the winners of ‘Le Città delle Donne 2023’

by time news

2023-11-28 12:10:11

Asia Argento and Chiara Valerio are among the female personalities who will receive the 2023 Le Città delle Donne Award, Friday 1 December at the Tempio di Vibia and Adriano in Rome. Mariagloria Fontana, director of the award, and the president of the Culture Commission of the Chamber of Deputies Federico Mollicone will present the awards on Friday 1st December at 6pm, at the Tempio di Vibia e Adriano in Piazza di Pietra in Rome. The Award, announced by the magazine ‘Le città delle donne’, returns for the third consecutive year by will of its director Mariagloria Fontana, journalist and writer, and wants to recognize some contemporary female personalities for the important role played within the cultural world and social.

In the first two editions, Mariagloria Fontana and the former Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini awarded, among others, Elisabetta Sgarbi, Dacia Maraini, Laura Boldrini, Giovanna Melandri, Tiziana Ferrario, Annalena Benini, Serena Bortone. The 2023 edition will award the recognition to: Asia Argento, actress, director and musician, Italian symbol of the #MeToo Movement, against sexual harassment and violence against women; Chiara Valerio, intellectual, writer and curator of the Più Libri Più Liberi Fair, who decided to dedicate the 2023 edition to the memory of Giulia Cecchettin; a posthumous award to the author Strega Prize 2023 Ada D’Adamo, Francesca Barbi Marinetti, Mariagrazia Cucinotta, Viola Di Grado, Donatella Di Pietrantonio, Maria Antonietta Farina Coscioni, Mariastella Giorlandino, Antonella Lattanzi, Eleonora Mattia, Donatella Pandimiglio, Paola Passarelli, Cetta Petrollo Pagliarani, Alfonsina Russo and a special mention to Serafina Lentini.

The promotion of culture and social commitment in all sectors of our daily life, as the key to overcoming prejudice and ignorance, is the main path for the emancipation of men and women and is the path that the Le Città delle Donne Award he wanted to travel from the first moment and this year more than ever. Together with Mariagloria Fontana, the President of the Culture Commission of the Chamber, Federico Mollicone, the Councilor for Equal Opportunities of Roma Capitale, Monica Lucarelli and the Councilor for Culture of Roma Capitale, Miguel Gotòr, will present the Award. The Le Città delle Donne award will be held on Friday 1 December at 6pm in the Temple of Vibia and Hadrian in Piazza di Pietra in Rome.

#Asia #Argento #Chiara #Valerio #among #winners #Città #delle #Donne

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