Astronomers have checked the version that the signal “Wow” was sent to Earth by aliens

by time news

Astronomers have studied the sun-like star 2MASS 19281982-2640123, in whose orbit, according to one version, an alien civilization may be located. Observations conducted over several hours did not allow to obtain evidence that would confirm this assumption, follows from a publication in the journal Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society.

Although scientists are skeptical about UFO news and other reports of this kind, some of the astrophysicists quite admit that extraterrestrial civilizations exist, and radio signals are a way to learn about them. On August 15, 1977, the attention of astronomers was attracted by a signal that, according to its characteristics, could potentially turn out to be a “message from aliens.” It lasted 72 seconds and was quite powerful, and the frequency at which it was recorded was suitable for interstellar communication.

Further study of the corresponding section of space made it possible to find out that the sun-like star 2MASS 19281982-2640123 in the constellation Sagittarius could be the source of the signal. However, new targeted observations using modern telescopes have not allowed us to notice new signals from this star.

At the moment, no version alternative to the “alien” origin of the signal (for example, that it turned out to be a reflected signal from the Earth) has also received confirmation.

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