At the Angelus, the Pope blesses those who fight against Human Trafficking

by time news

2023-07-30 16:04:00

July 30, 2023 / 9:04 a.m.

On the UN Day Against Trafficking in Human Beings, this Sunday, July 30, Pope Francis expressed his condemnation of this terrible reality that affects millions of people around the world.

The Pontiff assured that trafficking is a “terrible reality” that affects “children, women and workers”, and blessed those who fight against it.

After praying the Angelus this Sunday, the Holy Father urged to continue fighting human trafficking, which turns people into mere merchandise.

“Today we celebrate two World Days convened by the UN: Friendship Day and the Day against Human Trafficking. The first promotes friendship between peoples and cultures; the second combats this terrible reality that affects too many people,” he said. the Pope from the study window of the Vatican Apostolic Palace.

The Holy Father lamented the exploitation suffered by many people: “Everyone lives in inhumane conditions and suffers the indifference and rejection of society. There is a lot of trafficking in the world today. God bless those who work to fight it.”

The World Day against Trafficking seeks to raise awareness about this problem and calls on governments and society to strengthen efforts in prevention, identification and support for victims, and end impunity.

According to international reports, global crises, conflicts and the climate emergency are increasing the risk of trafficking. Displacement and socioeconomic inequalities affect millions of people around the world, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation by traffickers.

The UN points out that people who lack legal status, live in poverty and suffer discrimination, violence or abuse are often the main targets of traffickers.

The war in Ukraine and grain

On the other hand, Pope Francis denounced the “war for grain” that broke out in the midst of the conflict in Ukraine.

“Let us not stop praying for the tormented Ukraine, where the war destroys everything, including grain. This is a grave offense against God, since grain is his gift to feed humanity; and the cry of millions of brothers and sisters who suffer from hunger rises to Heaven”.

The Pontiff took advantage of the occasion to make “an appeal to my brothers, to the authorities of the Russian Federation, so that the Black Sea initiative be restored and the grain be transported safely.”

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The Pope’s words have as context Russia’s announcement to end the Black Sea Grains Initiative, “the agreement reached with Turkey, Ukraine and the UN, which guaranteed the safety of navigation in the northwest of those waters, thus creating a maritime humanitarian corridor through which grain exports left from Ukrainian ports.” The Russian government claimed that the pact lost its validity on July 27.

The explosion in Lebanon

Likewise, the Holy Father recalled that on August 4 “it will be three years since the devastating explosion in the port of Beirut.”

“I renew my prayers for the victims and their families, who are seeking truth and justice, and I hope that the complex crisis in Lebanon can find a solution worthy of the history and values ​​of that people. Let us not forget that Lebanon is also a message” he added.

The explosions in the port of Beirut took place in the Lebanese capital two years ago, which left 218 dead, 7,500 injured and nine missing.

#Angelus #Pope #blesses #fight #Human #Trafficking

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