At the invitation of the Prime Minister of India: Bennett will visit the country in April

by time news

At the invitation of the Prime Minister of India: A spokesman for the Prime Minister announced tonight (Saturday) that the Prime Minister Naftali Bennett It will pay its first official visit to India on April 2, and will mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of relations between the two countries.

During the visit, the leaders are expected to discuss tightening cooperation in a variety of areas: economics, research and development, agriculture and more. The Prime Minister will also meet with other senior government officials, as well as visit the Jewish community in the country.

Narendra Modi (Photo: REUTERS / Adnan Abidi)

The leaders first met on the sidelines of the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, held last October, at which Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi invited Prime Minister Bennett.

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The Prime Minister said: “I am delighted to pay my first official visit to India at the invitation of my friend Narendra Modi, to continue to lead together the common path in international relations. Modi is the man who has restarted relations between India and Israel, and this is of historical importance. “Uniqueness, Indian and Jewish culture, which rely on deep appreciation and meaningful collaborations. There are many things we can learn from the Indians, and that is what we strive to do.”

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