Attack on headquarters – state security determined

by time news

2023-06-27 19:40:28
HomeCultureRammstein: Attack on headquarters – state security determined

Rammstein’s company headquarters in Reinickendorf was attacked on Sunday night. The perpetrators published a letter of confession on the Internet. State security is investigating.

Moritz Eichhorn

Rammstein performs at a Festivalimago/Izabelle Nordfjell

A left-wing extremist group attacked the Rammstein headquarters in Berlin Reinickendorf on Monday night. During the attack, windows were smashed and exterior walls sprayed. As the Berliner Zeitung learned, the state security has started the investigation.

The Rammstein headquarters in ReinickendorfBerliner Zeitung/Sabine Gudath

In a letter of confession that was circulated on June 26 on the left-wing alternative platform Kontrapolis, it says:

“During the night of June 26, we attacked the Rammstein headquarters in Berlin Reinickendorf. The front windows were smashed and under the ugly Rammstein logo it now says >>No stage for perpetrators<<. We show solidarity with those affected by organized sexual violence by Till Lindemann and Co. and make it clear: there are consequences for perpetrators like you. This also applies to companies and people who provide them with premises or infrastructure and protect or support criminals. We call on everyone to creatively disrupt, sabotage and prevent the planned Rammstein concerts in Berlin on July 15th, 16th and 18th. No stage for perpetrators!”

The sentence “No stage for perpetrators” is said to have been painted on the outside wall of the building. But graffiti has been removed in the meantime. However, the windows are still riddled with holes. Rammstein’s management had not responded to an inquiry from the Berliner Zeitung by the time of going to press.

#Attack #headquarters #state #security #determined

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