Attacks: Macron wants a “state of vigilance” but not a “state of emergency”

by time news

2023-10-18 11:40:00

During a press conference which took place on October 17 in Albania, Emmanuel Macron had the opportunity to return to the two attacks in Arras and Brussels: “Never in a state of law will it be possible to have a system where the terrorist risk is completely eradicated,” he measured.

As reported Public Senate, the French president traveled to Tirana for a summit on ties between the European Union and the Western Balkans. A hot topic for around ten years, he had to discuss the terrorism that Europe must face: “Unfortunately, we saw it again yesterday, all States are vulnerable. There is indeed a return of Islamic terrorism “We have a vulnerability that goes hand in hand with our democracies.”, he began by admitting.

We must therefore react, but not too much. If we are to believe his declarations, Emmanuel Macron wants to focus on vigilance, while avoiding relaunching the state of emergency which forced France from 2015 to 2017: he wishes to be “as safe as possible outside the ’emergency state”. For this, he welcomes the transfer of the provisions of the exceptional regime to common law, in particular since the internal security law of October 31, 2017. “We have invested massively in monitoring the most dangerous profiles and their expulsion, we have reinvested in the intelligence services, in our police, in the gendarmerie,” he adds.

No risk does not exist. Moreover, despite the criticism he received from the Republicans, Emmanuel Macron affirms that there was “no failure of our services in the attack on Arras”. According to him, although on the S file and subject to an expulsion procedure, the attacker could not be sent back to his country of origin, because the latter refused him. In addition to internal security work, it is therefore a matter of international cooperation.

#Attacks #Macron #state #vigilance #state #emergency

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