Attacks on Ukrainians and Russians

by time news

The war in Ukraine is also fueling hatred in Berlin. This ranges from graffiti to bullying to arson attacks. According to information from police circles, an unknown person threw an incendiary device against the entrance to the sports hall of the Lomonosov elementary school on the Allee der Kosmonauten in Marzahn on Friday morning. At the school, children are taught in German and Russian. The incendiary device, which consisted of a glass bottle filled with a flammable liquid, ignited. Nothing is known about the damage caused by the flames. The state security department responsible for the prosecution of politically motivated crimes took over the investigation.

It’s not just Russians who feel hatred in Berlin. In Wilmersdorf’s Preußenpark, a 54-year-old man molested Jewish children who had fled Ukraine with pro-Russian statements in a playground. Police officers were able to prevent an escalation. They gave him a dismissal after ascertaining his personal details.

As became known on Friday, the “Russian House of Science and Culture” in Mitte was also the target of a hate attack. As early as Thursday morning, an unknown sprayed the 200 by 30 centimeter lettering “Murderer” on a pillar and the sidewalk. The police arranged for the slogan to be removed.

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