Attorney General Eddy MINANG presented his work (…) – Gabonews

by time news

2024-07-20 15:40:18

Attorney General Eddy MINANG presented his work on ritual crimes: a criminal and judicial approach to the phenomenon

July 20, 2024

This opening took place in the university library yesterday, Friday July 19, 2024. There was a lack of people in the room.

This 392-page book stems from his 628-page doctoral thesis. The results of several years of research. 2 parts. 372 informants. A trip to Cameroon to deepen and expand anthropological data.

Attorney General Eddy MINANG presented his work (…) – Gabonews

Another big clarification. The first part is focused on theoretical and practical aspects (historicity, causes, mechanisms of revival, methods of operation, typologies of agents of death and victims).

As for the second part, it concerns the legal and judicial aspects of the phenomenon (the treatment of ritual crime in the Gabonese criminal law and the imperfections related to that treatment).

The following lines are a kind of respect and admiration for Eddy MINANG’s work on a noble quest, which is to eradicate an alien and dehumanizing phenomenon. Therefore the author is to be congratulated and encouraged.

Bravery and light that deny ‹ ‹ritual crime››, ‹ ritual cannibalism ››, the various ‹ ‹ ‹actors ›› and ‹ ‹garish from punishment ››… These very serious facts shown in images in the work chill any balanced human understanding and destabilize the social harmony. Humanity is lost with such criminal activities adhering to a process, an orthodoxy based on horror.

The book speaks, screams and makes every sensitive soul cry. Finally, it outlines some solutions to remedy the weaknesses noted, especially the clear penalty imposed on sponsors.

Emergency. We must get away from these despicable import practices that are ritualized because of their changing, changing actions that destroy lives, cause bereavement, traumatize families and create psychosis in our country, said the attorney general. a writer.

Blood crimes, so-called ritual crimes, ritual crimes or organ harvesting, to understand the author, the objective sought is to extract the vital energy from a living person. Horror accompanied by demonic invocations, such as: ‹ ‹ I entrust you to Satan !››.

In fact, this imported social phenomenon must not only be strongly denied but above all it must be dismantled so that the “4 actors” are known and condemned, namely:

1/ the magician, the one who prescribes;

2/ the sponsor, the one who seeks out a traitor to gain power from him;

3/ the intermediary, often someone close to the sponsor;

4/ the performer, the one who performs the action and sometimes does not know the sponsor.

My opinion, All wizards.

Furthermore, when talking about sponsors, the author states that there are two categories:

1/ ‹ the things that cannot be handled >>

2/ “the accused” who benefits from the dismissal of the case.

My opinion, All wizards.

The merit of this book is to address for the first time in Africa the judicial handling of this phenomenon. The PRT and the CTRI must take this into account.



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