August Sun in February – Epirotikos Agon – 2024-03-07 01:44:19

by times news cr

2024-03-07 01:44:19

With borrowed heels
Jojo Moyes

Psychogios Publications

«With borrowed heels» is the title of the new book by Jojo Moyes and it is a dynamic and moving story that explores the lives of two different women. Through an unexpected series of events, their paths cross in a way that will change their lives forever. It is published by Psychogios Publications. The translation belongs to Chrysa Bania, the editing by Maria Sevastiadou and the cover design by Gina Georgiou.

Sam Kemp is going through a difficult time in her life, as she faces problems in her family and at work, feeling trapped in a situation from which she cannot escape. Nyssa Kantor, on the other hand, is a successful woman professionally, but faces her own set of challenges, mostly in her personal life. When Sam accidentally takes a pair of red croc twelve-point Christian Louboutin heels belonging to Nyssa, an unexpected adventure begins. When, in fact, she tries them, her self-confidence is boosted and she realizes that the time has come for a change…

How a pair of heels can change everything! Even to unexpectedly connect two worlds. Messes aimed at second chances.

Through the story, Moyes explores themes such as the power of self-belief, the value of solidarity between women, marriage, family, depression and the importance of finding one’s true identity through hardship. “On Borrowed Heels” offers a penetrating look at how external circumstances and biases can affect our self-esteem and expectations in life.

What makes it special is Moyes’ ability to combine drama with humor, creating a story that is both entertaining and moving. Human nature is presented with all its imperfections and contradictions, while at the same time the book conveys a message of hope and renewal.

Overall, On Borrowed Heels is a story about the pursuit of happiness, self-acceptance, and the importance of not judging people by their outward circumstances. Through the adventures of Sam and Nyssa, the author offers the reader a powerful reminder that true change begins within us and that self-improvement is always possible, no matter the circumstances.

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