Austria again corona high risk area

by time news


January 16, 2022 – 8:21 am Clock

Berlin (dpa) – The federal government has again classified Austria as a corona high-risk area. The regulation has been in effect since midnight and has concrete consequences: Anyone entering Germany from a high-risk area and who does not have at least full basic protection with the second vaccination that is usually necessary or has recovered must be in quarantine for ten days. You can get rid of it with a negative test after five days at the earliest. For children who have not yet reached the age of six, the quarantine ends automatically five days after entry.

The upgrade due to high corona numbers affects almost all of Austria, as the Robert Koch Institute announced on Friday. Exceptions are the communities of Mittelberg and Jungholz near the border and the Riißtal in the community of Vomp and Eben am Achensee. This means that all nine of Germany’s neighboring countries are now on the risk list. Denmark, Poland, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands have long been designated as high-risk areas.

In addition to Austria, more than 30 other countries have been on the risk list since Sunday, many of them in Africa and the Caribbean. A total of almost 140 of the approximately 200 countries in the world are now listed there. No country was removed from the list this time.

In addition to strict quarantine requirements, the classification as a high-risk area also includes a travel warning from the Federal Foreign Office for non-essential tourist trips. It makes it easier for tourists to cancel trips that have already been booked free of charge, but does not mean a travel ban.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:220116-99-727026/2

Source: DPA


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