Avignon “Off” Festival: our favorites

by time news

2023-07-06 13:59:20

► Walk in the arms of Anton Chekhov

T.C.H.E.K.H.O.V. The Grand Tigre company has become a specialist in completely original theatrical portraits, which tell the life of great authors through a walk through their texts. After the very successful MOLIEREplayed alternately in the same theater, T.C.H.E.K.H.O.V. offers a “charming crossing with exploratory stops of the myriad of moods of a lived work”. With a lot of humor and lightness, three wonderful actresses, Odile Ernoult, Clémentine Lebocey and Elsa Robinne, accompanied by a musician, Joseph Robinne, lead this inventive and generous exploration. A joyful kaleidoscope which also turns out to be a wonderful declaration of love for the theatre.

“CHEKHOV”, a joyful kaleidoscope which also turns out to be a wonderful declaration of love for the theatre. / Yoann Couette/SDP

From July 7 to 29, on even days at 8:30 p.m., at the Théâtre du Centre, theatreducentre-avignon.com

► The muse of jazz sends waltzing

Pannonica, baroness of jazz. Anger makes his black-clad back tremble slightly. In this New York dungeon of the late 1950s, everything about her, her elegance, her blonde hair, her voice, clashes. She talks to her lover in the next cell, the musician Thelonious Monk – whose composer Raphaël Sanchez offers a wonderful musical interpretation.

This woman is Pannonica de Koenigswarter, née Rothschild. White, rich, aristocratic. And with total freedom, sending convention and comfort waltzing to support the music she gets drunk on in the clubs. A romantic character, friend and muse of many jazzmen, to whom Natacha Régnier lends all her sensitivity.

“Pannonica, baroness of jazz”, a romantic character, friend and muse of many jazzmen, to whom Natacha Régnier lends all her sensitivity. / Guillaume Seix/SDP

From July 7 to 29 at 3:45 p.m. (no class on Tuesdays), at the Théâtre Le petit chien, chienquifume.com

► Giving voice

The one who does not say has said. They are three women on stage. Three work colleagues. There is “she who says”, the big mouth always ready to express itself. Next to her there is “the one who says after” : it’s followership, okay, but it’s less risky. And then there is “the one who doesn’t say”. Out of fear, because she’s never been used to being allowed to talk. Only, one day, the one who doesn’t say… says. The order of things is upset. Author (and actress) Sarah Pèpe leads the way (voice?) in an exciting trio, to illustrate the power and freedom conferred by speech. And why you sometimes have to take it, without waiting for it to be given to you.

They are three women on stage. Three work colleagues. There is “the one who says”, the big mouth always ready to express herself. Next to her, there is “the one who says after”: it’s followership, okay, but it’s less risky. And then there is “the one who does not say”. / Clara Amsellem/SDP

From July 7 to 29 at 5 p.m. (no class on Tuesdays), at the Théâtre des Lila’s

► Dribble fate

Diego. Admittedly, football fans will find many references that will make them vibrate (ah! the images of the 1998 World Cup final!), but this intimate and touching show, with universal echoes, is aimed at a much more wide, from 12 years old.

Where it is a question of the search for his own (artistic) vocation, of the place of the father in his choices, and of the personal accomplishment of a young man named Diego, in homage to Maradona. A very nice artistic (and sporting!) performance assumed by Hugo Randrianatoavina, in a scenic device as relevant as it is original.

“Diego”, a very nice artistic and sporting performance assumed by Hugo Randrianatoavina, in a scenic device as relevant as it is original. / Laurent Charrier/SDP

From July 7 to 25 at 4:45 p.m. (school break on July 12 and 19), at the Théâtre Avignon-Reine Blanche, reineblanche.com

► Flamenco in the ghetto

Dolores. The real sometimes offers stories that scriptwriters would not dare to invent. Like the true and gripping destiny of Sylvin Rubinstein (Olivier Sitruk, inhabited). As children, Sylvin and his twin sister, Maria, fell in love with flamenco. Rubinsteins? Who dances flamenco? On stage, they become the duo Imperio and Dolores. But it is not good to be an artist and a Jew in the late 1930s, in Warsaw. When his sister is arrested, the grieving twin joins the resistance. The pain of loss, courage and memory are at the heart of this intense play, directed by actress Virginie Lemoine. The flamenco numbers say in turn the rage and the pain. Dance as a survival tool.

“Dolores”, the pain of loss, courage and memory are at the heart of this intense play, directed by actress Virginie Lemoine. / FREDERIQUE TOULET

From July 7 to 29 at 5:35 p.m. (no class on Wednesdays), at the current Theater in Avignon, theatre-actuel-avignon.com

► Circus Baobab, Guinea in acrobatics

Ye! (The water). Between the difficulties of everyday life in West Africa and the impossible dream of exile, the Circus Baobab troupe (created in 1998) uses the ancient acrobatic tradition in Guinea for a flagship show of “Off” 2023, crossed by tragic scenes, but also of humor and fraternity.

From July 7 to 29 at 11:45 a.m., at La Scala in Provence.

#Avignon #Festival #favorites

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