Ax-wielding terrorist hijacks train carrying hostages in Switzerland – 2024-02-10 17:17:51

by times news cr

2024-02-10 17:17:51

A terrorist armed with an ax stopped a commuter train in Switzerland and took four hostages, whom he held for more than four hours. This was reported by the RTS portal, Day.Az reports with reference to

The attack, according to journalists, occurred on the evening of Friday, February 9, at the station of the small town of Esser-Sous-Champvan, located in the canton of Valais. First, an unknown person broke into the driver’s cabin, forced him to move into the carriage and block the doors. He then herded the passengers to the back of the train, threatening them with mass murder.

The police were able to establish that the attacker was a 32-year-old refugee from Iran. It is alleged that he did not speak French, which is common in this area, but spoke broken English mixed with Farsi.

At first, the security forces decided to enter into negotiations with the terrorist. He said that the Swiss “did not show him due respect” after he moved to the country.

Over the next four hours, the Iranian threatened to “move on to massacre” without making specific demands. As darkness fell, the special forces began an assault, throwing stun grenades at the terrorist. They managed to cut the man off from the hostages, but he rushed at the police with an ax.

The security forces responded by opening fire and mortally wounding the attacker. None of the hostages were injured.

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