badminton maintains the exclusion of Russians and Belarusians

by time news

2023-04-21 12:03:51

Russian and Belarusian badminton players remain excluded from badminton competitions. AFP/Files

Russian and Belarusian badminton players remain excluded from badminton competitions, its International Federation (BWF) announced Thursday, April 20, despite the recommendations of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). “ The BWF is not convinced that there is a satisfactory justification for lifting the suspensions of Russian and Belarusian players and officials at this time. “, indicates the instance in a press release. In a position criticized by Ukraine and its allies, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) recommended on March 28 the return of Russian and Belarusian athletes under a neutral banner and in an individual capacity, without however deciding at this stage on a possible participation in the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. The BWF notably questions the “ clarity ” of the “ complex IOC criteria for allowing participation » Russian and Belarusian athletes.

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